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Shieldbot balance

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1/20/2014 9:39:08 AMEErankAdminAnarchid before revert after revert
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1 Delay on firing and delay on targeting seem to be different words for same thing in this discussion. Unless first is "what voidray has", which [b]is[/b] workaroundable, especially in this game with its [color=green][b]Liberal[/b][/color] ground-attack laws. 1 Delay on firing and delay on targeting seem to be different words for same thing in this discussion. Unless first is "what voidray has", which [b]is[/b] workaroundable, especially in this game with its [color=green][b]Liberal[/b][/color] ground-attack laws.
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3 I like the shorter range approach.
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5 It would not significantly harm Felons anti-bomb utility but it will give bombs that modicum of a chance.
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7 It will probably impact its ability to target air, which is nice because air seems to have this role of sniping things and felon is something that should be sniped.
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9 It will transition the Felon-in-a-ball from antiheavy riot skirmisher quasi-assault to just an antiheavy riot quasi-assault, which is much manageable, especially as both riots and assaults share the significant weakness against skirmishers.
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11 It also runs in accord with the idea that skirmishers' weakness is their inaccuracy or alpha. Felon is not inaccurate and doesn't suffer from alpha limitations, so it shouldn't have skirmisher range.
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13 Perfect accuracy at high dps is a riot shtick, and riot weakness is typically low range.