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Feature request: make Strider Hub reveal location

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Post edit history
Date Editor Before After
5/27/2014 10:36:43 AMunknownrankShaman before revert after revert
5/27/2014 10:35:28 AMunknownrankShaman before revert after revert
Before After
1 Strider rushes are hilarious especially if the enemy team doesnt have air and doesnt scout you. They are fun for the person who rushes them and a punishment to the enemy team for not scouting. If you only want this because you think they are "unbalanced" there exists counters such as: 1 Strider rushes are hilarious especially if the enemy team doesnt have air and doesnt scout you. They are fun for the person who rushes them and a punishment to the enemy team for not scouting. If you only want this because you think they are "unbalanced" there exists counters such as:
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3 - Bombers! 3 - Bombers!
4 - [b][u][i][size=big]ANTI-HEAVY units[/size][/i][/u][/b] 4 - [b][u][i][size=big]ANTI-HEAVY units[/size][/i][/u][/b]
5 - [img]http://www. google. com/url?sa=i&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=images&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&docid=AFsCqSizbEdHBM&tbnid=FQM-ouxTo-hlGM:&ved=0CAUQjRw&url=http%3A%2F%2Fzero-k. info%2FForum%2FThread%2F5523&ei=eWmEU_SaCoPaoASnyoKYCw&psig=AFQjCNGSP-kVe_r57zjumXIDki3mUR0fQQ&ust=1401273046604567[/img] 5 - Skuttles
6 - [img]http://zero-k.info/img/avatars/armcomdgun.png[/img] rush 6 - [img]http://zero-k.info/img/avatars/armcomdgun.png[/img] rush
7 - [b][u][i][size=big]SCOUTING[/size][/i][/u][/b] 7 - [b][u][i][size=big]SCOUTING[/size][/i][/u][/b]
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9 All of the above will make cost. Especially the last one. 9 All of the above will make cost. Especially the last one.
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11 If you reveal strider labs you take out two things - the need for scouting and the element of surprise. You [b]NEED[/b] to scout. This is part of the game! You don't scout these rushes you kind of deserve to die to them. Consider it punishment for failure to scout. Now on the other hand if people don't listen to you when you spot a rush... that's another story in which the entire team deserves to die. 11 If you reveal strider labs you take out two things - the need for scouting and the element of surprise. You [b]NEED[/b] to scout. This is part of the game! You don't scout these rushes you kind of deserve to die to them. Consider it punishment for failure to scout. Now on the other hand if people don't listen to you when you spot a rush... that's another story in which the entire team deserves to die.
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13 On the other hand if you take out of the element of surprise as @Anarchid said you add to the probability of a never ending game which eventually people will get bored of and leave. Worse yet, if a game has that potential to become a never ending stalemate, people will start to become reluctant to play it. I personally hate it when a game devolves into porcville and lasts over 60 minutes. 13 On the other hand if you take out of the element of surprise as @Anarchid said you add to the probability of a never ending game which eventually people will get bored of and leave. Worse yet, if a game has that potential to become a never ending stalemate, people will start to become reluctant to play it. I personally hate it when a game devolves into porcville and lasts over 60 minutes.
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15 Edit: 15 Edit:
16 TL;DR version: 16 TL;DR version:
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18 [img]http://zero-k. info/img/avatars/corfav. png[/img][img]http://www. google. com/url?sa=i&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=images&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&docid=-Sgji6d7uHzEpM&tbnid=9_D0rrmg-8dAOM:&ved=0CAUQjRw&url=http%3A%2F%2Fzero-k. info%2FWiki%2FSpecificUnitGuides&ei=JWmEU6XXJcP3oATVwICADA&psig=AFQjCNGAZHgQEbRk9CfZlpn-Ky6aJx26qA&ust=1401272995508818[/img] > [img]http://zero-k. info/img/avatars/striderhub. png[/img] 18 [img]http://zero-k. info/img/avatars/corfav. png[/img] > [img]http://zero-k. info/img/avatars/striderhub. png[/img]