Commander 1
Last battles
34 played, 0 watched, 82 missionsB130120 2 on Chicken_Roast_v1
B129895 2 on Chicken_Roast_v1
B129602 2 on Chicken_Farm_v02
B129588 2 on Chicken_Farm_v02
B129578 2 on DesertTriad
B128570 2 on Nuclear_Winter_v1
B128555 2 on Nuclear_Winter_v1
B126258 2 on Albion_v1
B126248 2 on Albion_v1
B125604 2 on Archers_Valley_v5
Poll votes
- Which Lotus model do you prefer? : [img]http://i47.tinypic.com/t7mohf.jpg[/img]
- What do you think about unit micro AI (units on fight keeping distance, jiggling around, AA saving shots etc) : Add more. It saves me from micro-management.
- What prevents you from playing more Zero-K? : Nothing, day only has 24 hours
- In PlanetWars, how should unit unlocks work for clan members (non-clanners have personal) : Union of Personal and PlanetWars (either one unlocks - meaning its meaningless for experienced players who have all personal unlocks - current)
- Unit orders (the lines showing where its moving ec) should be visible when: : Unit is selected
First Login: 13 years ago, Last Login: 4 months agoForum karma: +0 / -0
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