Rita meter maid
Big Leg Emma
Berta 404
Last battles
570 played, 1445 watched, 12 missionsB497365 2 on Red Comet v1.3
B486096 2 on Desert Needle Small 3.2
B480188 7 on Mini_SuperSpeedMetal_Wide
B480186 6 on Intersection_v3
B480184 6 on Mini_SuperSpeedMetal_Duo
B468621 1 on Quicksilver 1.1
B468560 10 on Terra
B468559 8 on MoonQ20x
B468552 6 on FinnsRevengeRV4
B456279 2 on Wanderlust v03
Posted threads
589 posts in 47 threadsCommanders Wanted!
Map Ravaged_v2
Map Incandescence 2
Zero-K v1.6.5.6 - Balance and map updates
fan art!
What is the origin of the Zero-K Name?
Zero-K soon on Steam - Tell everyone!
B488268 7 on Mini_SuperSpeedMetal_Wide (Multiplayer)
Map Downpour 1
"Unit composition" for porc
Poll votes
- Are you playing with text to speech (automatic reading of ally text) enabled? : No (I have changed settings)
- Are you playing with text to speech (automatic reading of ally text) enabled? : No (I have disabled it)
- Do you think your would rather use Left Mouse Button or Middle Mouse Button to move the camera with the minimap? : I would prefer Left Mouse Button.
- Do you currently use the minimap to select units? (Left click on a minimap icon or left click and drag a box) : No
- Do you currently use the minimap to issue orders? (Achieved by right clicking the minimap). : Yes, sometimes.
First Login: 13 years ago, Last Login: 4 years agoForum karma: +528 / -22
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