Last battles
628 played, 709 watched, 2 missionsB1260908 6 on Zed 2.5
B1260877 3 on TitanDuel 2.2
B1130304 19 on Mechadansonia v1.02
B1127180 2 on Badlands 2.1
B1127173 2 on Badlands 2.1
B1127166 1 on Wanderlust v03
B1065341 30 on Nuclear_Winter_v1
B1039621 26 on Banana Republic v1.0.1
B1039593 23 on Fields_Of_Isis
B1038792 19 on Small Supreme Battlefield V2
Poll votes
- What do you like most about Zero-K? : Teamplay, coordinating crushing attacks , helping friends and allies, making the team win
- What do you think about BIG TEAMS hosts? : Keep them as they are
- Player Juggler (the matchmaking system that can move you from game to game) suffers from incomplete SpringLobby support. What to do now? : Disable the system until SpringLobby support, moves are annoying
- What operating system are you using? : Windows
- What do you think SHOULD BE the base metal extractor sharing ratio? (overdrive still 100% shared) : 5% private, 95% shared - current
First Login: 12 years ago, Last Login: 19 months agoForum karma: +0 / -0
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