PENALTY: Go away knorke
Site blockedForum blocked
Lobby blocked
Issued on: 5/9/2018 4:43:15 AM (6 years ago)
Expires on: 5/10/2118 4:43:15 AM
Level 0
Level 1
Brown Dwarf
Posted threads
30 posts in 4 threadsB517959 2 on AlienDesert (Multiplayer)
Everything revolves around spamming the same cheap and fast units every game = boring
Storage .... newbies fault (excess is shared to teammates)
Units archetypes - statistical analysis
Wonder thread - what if/showerthoughts shitposting
I wish radar icons were easier to discern from eachother.
Performance issue testing
How many Playas are online?
Unit ranges (eg attack) should be shown when holding a key and they should be more obvious
First Login: 6 years ago, Last Login: 3 years agoForum karma: +32 / -0
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