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Title: Lobster Catacombs (teams)
Host: unknownrankShaman
Game version: Zero-K v1.4.12.11
Engine version: 103.0.1-298-gaf1edb1
Battle ID: 440262
Started: 7 years ago
Duration: 12 minutes
Players: 2
Bots: False
Mission: False
Rating: Casual
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Team 1 Lost
Chance of victory: 1%
XP gained: 213
NZrankhedgehogs died in 12 minutes
Team 2 Won!
Chance of victory: 99%
XP gained: 101

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7 years ago
+0 / -0
After you build your first tank you need to build a welder. You also need either a radar, llt or defender near your factory to protect it. The first option requires one of your units to stay behind and defend.

RADRAR RADAR RADAR. You've built adv radar really really late into the game while you should have made the standard, cheap radar much earlier.

Tanks weren't the best pick for this map because they have problems with expanding and Titan has a lot of expansion posibility.

You just sat in your base while FRrankHelwor was taking the rest of the map.

You moved your army in weird places instead of attacking and harrasing Helwor directly (its really important for tanks in 1v1s). Without any pressure from your part you just allowed FRrankHelwor to expand and build up a huge airforce that you didn't even scout.

tl;dr: EXPAND EXPAND EXPAND. Build radar. Exert pressure on the enemies.

Hope this helps.
+0 / -0

7 years ago
The strategy helwor used here was rather unusual and played heavily on positioning, the map's high wind levels and the fact that supermexes produce more overdrive. Hopefully now you understand the terror of fleas, at least.

I think if there's anything to learn here it's that you need to scout more. He sat there building up rapiers for like 10 minutes straight and you never even scouted his fac. He also had a bunch of naked expansions that could have been dead if you had sent one whole kodachi. While fleas can terrorize any undefended mexes welders are basically flea immune, which should have given you a significant advantage in terms of securing your expansions. If you had picked any other fac the harassment would have been much worse.
+1 / -0
7 years ago
I didn't actually find his base, because I saw no outer indication I was actually near..
+0 / -0