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Map Tagging Project

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13 years ago
I plan to go through and tag lots of, and hopefully all, maps in the database, leaving no ?'s. However, I thought it would be better if I first learned what everyone expects these tags to define, as all the tag options are vague. Here is what I think of each one:

Terrain: "Land" if there is no reason for anyone to build a seaport, "Mixed" if 1/4 to 1/2 of players should focus on battling over water, and "Sea" if above 1/2 of players should focus on battling over water.

Hills: Ugh. This one is the most troublesome. Most maps are not completely flat, nor completely mountainous. As a result, most maps seem to be labeled "Hills." I want a better way to define a map's terrain. Does anyone have a good, logical method to do this?

FFA: More or less symmetrical maps with more than two visible team start locations.

Asymmetrical: (btw my spell checker says this word is spelled wrong in the website) How symmetrical does it have to be? I say almost completely, minus negligible differences. For reference, I think Altored Divide is asymmetrical - too many terrain and mex location differences.

Special: Wtf is this? Is it supposed to be maps like duck and that chicken map?

1v1: 12x16 or less unless it's like Finn's Revenge where not all map should be used, and generally just small without too many mex spots.

Chickens: I have no idea what makes a good Chicken map. Chicken players want to help me out here?

What do you guys think? I use the map search functions a lot, because I like to play on new maps. I am hoping there are more people out there like me, and with better tagging, that finding a new and appropriate map will be easy.
+0 / -0
Hills is impassable by tanks, passable by bots - if map has lots of hills its hills.
Mountains is passable only by spiders or by nothing.

Chickens is for special chicken maps look at chicken nuggets etc. Those are unplayble in normal games.

Maybe i should add min-max players and min-max teams instead..

Special are maps that alter gameplay significantly, chickens, speedmetal,speedball etc. Those maps have weird gravity,extreme values of metal, special map structures etc.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
I was just thinking about those tags... Yes, I think I might like min-max players and teams tags, I'll tag that too if you add it (=

Also then by your definition, what is Altored Divide? Also then does Ravaged count as flat, as vehicles can go almost everywhere...?
+0 / -0

13 years ago
Before investing time in it, maybe tags implementation should be reviewed.
A few proposals:

provide ability to tag as either
- vertical-axis symmetry (dsd, blend warland)
- horizontal-axis (TinySkirmish)
- vertical+horizontal symmetry (warpy)
- diagonal-axis (island test)
- center symmetry (tabula, heartbreaker, wide pass, hide and seek)
- FULL symmetry??? horizontal+vertical+diagonal
- no symmetry (real europe)
and allow search by specific symmetry, any symmetry or none.
Agreed, it may seem overkill, but we can see "Altored Divide" versions have been tagged as either sym or asym, so people have a different understanding of what "symmetric" means. Either we explain that center-symmetry should (or not) be counted as symmetric to taggers, or ask them a more elaborate question of what kind of symmetry is present, with icons, so choice is obvious. Added benefit is we can autogenerate meaningful starting boxes.

Tagging should be ovious, or it becomes useless. If we ask ourself if a tag should be used because it isnt obvious, then the tag isnt worthy as a significant percentage of the maps may be wrongly tagged by ppl who think differently.

FFA tagging isnt very useful:
- some maps may be only suitable for FFA (kinda like real europe)
- some maps may also be suitable for FFA
- some maps maybe be unsuitable for FFA
current tagging doesnt allow for a clear distinction between these cases

Size/area inconsistency:
- 12x12 is considered small (area=144)
- 16x8 is considered medium (area=128)
I believe size should consider area rather than linear dimensions.
And why not compute aspect ratio for maps so you can search for roughly square maps, or particularly wide elongated maps.

And regarding hills and such... maybe it should be additive tags (like it has hills+water+flat). Maybe with rough proportions of each attached to each tag (like 20% water), or a qualification (like mostly water, or negligible water). If you want a sea battle, you can then search for a map with "mostly water".
- flatland
- water
- hills
- moutains
- fully
- mostly
- relevant
- negligible
- none (may not be required, depending on implementation)

Or something different, use tags to define whether unit classes are appropriate for a given map (like, map is inappopriate for water units). This would even provide beginners with hints.
+0 / -0

13 years ago
For tagging to be useful for automation we would need to specify all possible teams and boxes

2v2-8v8 : split v 20
1v1v1v1-3v3v3v3 : corners b 10

but its overkill to want that from users.
With water there are interesting questions - is there a land bridge, is there, are there multiple "lakes" etc..
+0 / -0

13 years ago
Horizontal vs vertical vs diagonal symmetry doesn't matter - I can rotate my camera.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
Sheep - I feel that symmetry is intuitive enough, that the map is symmetrical in relation to start locations. Altored Divide is brought up because it is "mostly" symmetrical in relation to start locations, but with a few differences.

I also agree tagging should be obvious. Do you feel your additive tags for terrain are intuitive and useful enough? I dunno... I'll have to think about it more. Right now I am thinking our current terrain tagging method is better, but maybe not.

Licho: How about an "ideal number of players" tag then? Does that seem useful to anyone? So if you wanted a map that had starting mex spots for 8 people, you could search for an "8-player" map.
+0 / -0

13 years ago
Ideal number is also good.
But consider autohost - say autohost which is set to host FFA. There are X people on it and it has to pick some suitable map, assign people to teams and prepare boxes.
+0 / -0

13 years ago
I think 'ideal range' is better. Some maps are almost as good for 4v4 as 5v5, etc.
+0 / -0

13 years ago
Yeah but is CCR ideal for 1v1 or for 4v4?
If autohost has 8people cant it pick ccr?
+0 / -0

13 years ago
I'd say CCR is one of those maps which works with any number of players. Works very differently, but works.

I personally prefer it with 8 to 16 players.
+0 / -0

13 years ago
Looks like good work so far. Last time I tried to get a listing of all FFA maps I got a horrible listing that included a whole lot of obvious non-FFAs. Now I can actually get a decent list of FFAs. Only exception I see right now is Supreme Lake up top being flagged as FFA.
+0 / -0

13 years ago
Also, fixing the default startboxen for a lot of maps would be another good project, but that would require commit privileges.
+0 / -0

13 years ago
NAh we can add boxes editor to map tagging. Just first need to decide what to tag and how before changing it.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
Ok. We will focus on changing tags then. Right now we have the following proposals:

Adding startbox editor

Changing the size search function to search for area rather than dimensions

Adding more symmetry options - does anyone else besides Sheep think this is an issue?

Changing (removing?) FFA option

Changing terrain tags to something else

Also there are only three chickens maps tagged. Is this enough to warrant a chicken category? I realize the specials category is pretty extensive and we may want Chickens to be separate still.

And I would love a way to get rid of previous versions of maps. All these duplicate maps are annoying to go through.
+0 / -0

13 years ago
Well maps could be grouped together in some way like under common name .. or something..
but many map versions differ a lot and often you want older version..

Chickcens have more maps than 3 im sure..

And size is width+height, i think its better than area for general perception.

Very looong map can have small area but is felt as "big"
+0 / -0
13 years ago
Gameplay and balance can greatly affect the perception of map features. A hilly map is generally considered larger than a flat map because its easier to move about on a flat map making distances shorter. Look at Centerrock for example. The paths simply makes it take longer to reach the enemy with ground units.
Distance between teams and players greatly affects gameplay as walking a warrior all across the on a long/big map can give the other player enough time to be able to overrun it with glaives and still make cost while early warriors will be more threating on a small map.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
Do people play different versions of maps? I am talking about things such as Ravaged vs Ravaged v2, not Speedball vs Speedball Wide or whatever. Maps that have minor adjustments that generally only affect aesthetics or minor balance issues. Search maps for "Mountain Pass Nixa" for an example.

There may be more Chickens maps. And I suppose I am looking at it the wrong way. This is what I should be considering: Regardless of the number of chicken maps, is it useful to people? Do people use that specific search function? Is there a way to change it into something more useful for people?

I see your point, Godde. Using that judgment, would it be better to classify maps with Sheep's proposed tag system, or our current one, but with perhaps a 'help' page that better define what should be classified as what?
+0 / -0

13 years ago
Dont forget this information is also for machines
+0 / -0
13 years ago
You did mention something about an autohost picking maps for someone... I have not experienced anything other than PW and manual selection of maps. Can you tell me how this information is supposed to be used for bots?
+0 / -0
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