Before investing time in it, maybe tags implementation should be reviewed.
A few proposals:
provide ability to tag as either
- vertical-axis symmetry (dsd, blend warland)
- horizontal-axis (TinySkirmish)
- vertical+horizontal symmetry (warpy)
- diagonal-axis (island test)
- center symmetry (tabula, heartbreaker, wide pass, hide and seek)
- FULL symmetry??? horizontal+vertical+diagonal
- no symmetry (real europe)
and allow search by specific symmetry, any symmetry or none.
Agreed, it may seem overkill, but we can see "Altored Divide" versions have been tagged as either sym or asym, so people have a different understanding of what "symmetric" means. Either we explain that center-symmetry should (or not) be counted as symmetric to taggers, or ask them a more elaborate question of what kind of symmetry is present, with icons, so choice is obvious. Added benefit is we can autogenerate meaningful starting boxes.
Tagging should be ovious, or it becomes useless. If we ask ourself if a tag should be used because it isnt obvious, then the tag isnt worthy as a significant percentage of the maps may be wrongly tagged by ppl who think differently.
FFA tagging isnt very useful:
- some maps may be only suitable for FFA (kinda like real europe)
- some maps may also be suitable for FFA
- some maps maybe be unsuitable for FFA
current tagging doesnt allow for a clear distinction between these cases
Size/area inconsistency:
- 12x12 is considered small (area=144)
- 16x8 is considered medium (area=128)
I believe size should consider area rather than linear dimensions.
And why not compute aspect ratio for maps so you can search for roughly square maps, or particularly wide elongated maps.
And regarding hills and such... maybe it should be additive tags (like it has hills+water+flat). Maybe with rough proportions of each attached to each tag (like 20% water), or a qualification (like mostly water, or negligible water). If you want a sea battle, you can then search for a map with "mostly water".
- flatland
- water
- hills
- moutains
- fully
- mostly
- relevant
- negligible
- none (may not be required, depending on implementation)
Or something different, use tags to define whether unit classes are appropriate for a given map (like, map is inappopriate for water units). This would even provide beginners with hints.