The time has come to host a new tournament!
This is going to be the second 1v1 tournament in this month, after the unfortunately under-advertised one hosted by

Parzival. Hopefully we could do two sets in December as well :)
The tournament will start on the 29th at 09:00 UTC and registration will be open until November 28th 23:59 UTC. As usual, keep in mind to take into accout daylight saving time. Current time in UTC can be seen here:, players can volunteer to substitute for anyone missing after the registration has been closed and before tourney itself starts. Substitutes will be used if the original signed-up players fail to arrive within 30 minutes of start without notice, in order of sign-up, based on this thread.
Players of all skill levels are welcome to take part.
Tournament rules:
- Single elimination
- First map of each round is predetermined, the following maps will be selected by the loser of the previous game from the featured 1v1 map pool.
- Finals are best of 5, all other matches including the bronze match are best of 3.
The tournament bracket will be seeded according to players' 1v1 Elo after registration closes. The players coming first, second and third will receive 75, 50 and 25 kudos respectively. The starting maps for each round will be announced at some later date before the tournament starts, when the number of participants will be more or less known.
Bracket can be seen here: , and the signup page is at sign up, join the tournament on Challonge, or simply leave a post in this forum thread. Don't forget to show up on time!
Map ListRound 1:
BadlandsRound 2: