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The gaping difference in factions

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13 years ago

I know it is a bit too late to do something about it in this season….
Liberate humanity has something like 70 commanders(more than anyone other faction) but the lest amount of planets and influence….LH has less than 1/3 the number of planets and influence compared to Empire. It seems that LH had at bunch of newbs(who are largely inactive) thrown in at the start to make up for the clear lack of power, which is not helping(I think). While there was a noticeable difference last season(5 factions, not the 2 faction disaster), the factional differences were not this great.
The factional differences are gana get wider, I can see empire eventually eating up the small pocket of planets LH has in the south west corner and Cybernetic Front eating up the main balk of planets in the north west.

(freemachines seems to be in a similar position)
+0 / -0

13 years ago
Only chance is that people will be sensible and ally small factions against the big ones.
+0 / -0

13 years ago
The previous Unaligned clans should be exclusively in Liberated Humanity now; any new clans in Liberated joined of their own accord. Problem is that (almost?) nobody good at this game ever joined Unaligned. This is probably because everyone thought "Oh, I don't care about PW, I'll join the Rebels and Pirates!" and, well, you know the rest.

(Free Machines has a problem too due to Zero-K's diminished activity, but they're not that far behind Dynasty)
+0 / -0

13 years ago
As I recall LH was not given more players due to low activity, it was given more players completely randomly.

So as you cannot 'fix' this round how would you setup future ones? The best we have done is asking a clan or two if they would switch factions between rounds to fix a large imbalance. This is fairly coarse and past activity does not perfectly foretell future activity. I think most of the time smaller factions will have to use diplomacy.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
Just start every round with one or two extra factions and have the weakest two or so joined together.

A totally different approach would be fixed diplomacy between faction. Every faction has war and 'ally-ceasefire' with exactly two other factions each. This way it will be less FFAish and even more about diplomacy: every factions allies will have two ally that are at war with one another. Due to the nature of diplomacy power will ultimately be balanced. (using the current galaxy as a reference: the two weakest factions would have a common enemy in the Empire and Empires powerful allies will be at war with one another)
+0 / -0
13 years ago
i like google's solution much more.....i think alliances need to be created by in game intrests(but there are factions i could never see co-existing)

if for next round we can get a few clans to volunteer to move around that would be great(only problems might be clans might not maintain same thier activity level for next season for factions might not be the same)

(i left dynasty for LH for clan theme reasons, LH imo should have been Ture born's heir....dynasty sounds almost fascistic)
+0 / -0

13 years ago
This was actually what i intended, which is why i changed all the fiction. Dynasty is True Born + Empire, Liberated Humanity is Trueborn + Unaligned (since unaligned were the weakest last round, they get essentially wiped out), Free Machines were #2 clan and thus remain unchanged, and Ascended get rebranded a bit in reaction to empires victory since they were second smallest (In a way, they are unaligned + ascended).

This was meant to encourage people to have time to read the storylines and chose what direction they want the PW story to go in. Instead, people were just thrust into approximations of what their faction was in last round.

P.S. Trueborn were always fascists. They are the racist nationalists of the storyline.
+0 / -0

13 years ago
How I chose which direction I want the storyline to go in: whatever faction I am in should win.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
Same; this is why I try to join groups with people like Saktoth, Godde, Licho, etc. The faction with the most good players is most likely to win.
+0 / -0

13 years ago
Good and active. Although I think fairly good and numerous is far superior to lone good players due to how much IP you can take in a battle.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
That's why I want the sum of games played by all members of a faction displayed in faction stats. It gives an idea of faction activity - very important information for beta.
+0 / -0

13 years ago
Mostly active, as good players get balanced with the newbies which nerfs their effectiveness.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
well if you keep track of it accurately then you can balance it much better.
+0 / -0

13 years ago
Sprung's Revenge!
+0 / -0
13 years ago
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13 years ago
Yah they've got 1.5x as many players as us.. like all other factions. It's probably the racist appearance of Dynasty.

But hey we're superior, sorry there.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
#### I'm not leaving ascended ( if you don't want to read this, fell free to skip this part ) ###

As for factions, I belive into the possibility of the background of Ascended.
Not now, but in the future!

If this faction get assimilated, we don't prepare for situations where ppls become more and more connected to computers with implantates and get threatened like invalids and potentially risks due to brain viruses.

I belive that brain viruses exists in form of spam today!
We can't get a brain virus that is more deadly as something like Hitler.
In East-Germany german peoples was prisioned until 1990 - Can something be worse than random threatments to people who want be free?
No virus can cause more harm than we can cause to young childrens with sexual assaults.

The idea is not bad, but what we are capable to do and could do that is the bad thing.
The PW history can become true - in 150 years or 1 million years, but Ascended is the right faction to me - fight for the freedom of intelligent life forms, because aliens can decide to handle us in the way we handle ourself.

TrueBorn has got an other good reason: the genetic technologie that makes all of them to genies, but it was too late for the last sessions.

Because I belive that if we get more intelligence and we could finally archive a more peaceful live, we will NOT be racists, I am not going to join a Faction where peoples are in and behave like humans today.

The free machines actually fight against the humans as an opposite of humans.

Empire Reborn stand for the deprivation of the liberty of individuals.

Dynasty of Earth stands for the only choice to be accepted as "human" if your body is 100% human, but the body is only the part that keeps our mind alive - not anything we are!

#### TOPIC-RELATED ( please don't forget to read this! ) ###

Each faction should get it's own codex and peoples have to read, understand and choose the own faction.
The perfect balance should be archived through threatments between them.

The leader should be able to set the default threatment.
Clan to clan threatments should have a fallback to the faction to faction threatment.
The fallback can be called "inherit faction to faction threatment".

What we need is a faction that represents the cooperation between machines, ascended, humans and even life forms between.

Descended could be Ex-Ascended which build bio-computers and bodies of non-metallic materials based and grown from manipulated genetic code.

If such a faction would exist, I would choose it!
+0 / -0
13 years ago

What do you mean with friggin "threatment"? Do you mean "threat" or do you mean "treatment"? I think you mean "treaties", right? Please get your browser a built in spellchecker and use an (online) dictionary every now and then just to make sure people understand you. Why do you use so many line breaks? Nearly all of your posts fill my whole friggin screen. Most of them don't fit in the mouse-over tooltip on the main page - that's no big problem for myself, just funny.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
at least I give ppls something to love about...

the third line is because the second is too long - we should optimize the page for 1024x786 minimum - browser scroll/tab/whatever bars.

and about my spellchecker - it's a german one.

I'm tired to make anything english just because I told my system once I live in germany...

... and I need the german spellchecker for my emails!!! :P
+0 / -0
13 years ago
Geez, you can use German and English spellcheckers, no? Using Firefox? Just takes two clicks to change and even remembers the language you set for every single website.
+0 / -0
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