I felt like transforming the moon into a rock.. Hope you're ok with that.

Additionally I'm not yet sure whether It'd look nice with stars in the background or without.

Shadowfury333 It be free for anyone to do whatever they want with it.
Update: Finally rendered a preview(without stars). I thought just zooming out would be a bit boring so I decided to move the camera itself instead. Please comment if you want me to do the original idea as well. Also I replaced the shader of the sun and the font which seems to have made it a bit too flickery. I'll fix that in the next render.
(you need an HTML5 compatible browser)
Added a few units and changed lighting to improve their visibility. I have taken the background image myself, thus there shouldn't be any problems with copyrights.
Alternative LinkI'd be happy about suggestions regarding lighting or units.
Following the suggestions of

hokomoko I added a fade-out of the singu. I'm thinking about letting the detri disappear in similar matter, or do you think that'd look unrealistic? I tried to improve the timing of the background but will probably put the fade-out even a bit earlier. Also a fade-in has been added.
@[TL]Beamer I agree with you if someone would only see this, but this isn't supposed to be a trailer.

GoogleFrog This is hopefully less of a problem now
Direct LinkRendered by


Saktoth The light from the left is caused by the font interacting with the rock.. I could look for a workaround to remove it.
The rock doesn't have any RGB texture, it's all done via normal and displacement maps. The noise is caused by rendering the preview in a lower quality. (Even rendering such a preview takes about 6 hours per GPU)
Such a simple and short version can be done once this is finished.
Somehow I have the feeling that the unit placement is generally awkward and doesn't fit very well, but I probably shouldn't make it too complicated.
Do you have any suggestions regarding sound?
Here's my own suggestion to make the whole thing more interesting and to get rid of the annoying singu light: Tacnuke Singu.
As this is taking a bit longer here are a few of my previous tries on explosions.
https://www.dropbox.com/s/uv06ndblr0ifcqb/zkSinguplosions.mp4?dl=0https://www.dropbox.com/s/k8miiuufv58j88w/zkSinguplosion2.mp4?dl=0This is just to let you know I'm still working on it, I'll probably still change a lot as these explosions don't look very realistic.
Thanks for all the kudos.