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Zero-K version

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9 years ago

It's time for a new version, and we're using the version number again because ZK is too l33t to use any other number.
In this update there are various improvements across all factories, many important bugfixes and some new features.

Shield Bots:
- Shield Bot Factory can now only be built by people with prior ban history to better reflect its criminal theme.
- Roach renamed to Rapist, for what it does to light units.

- Legs 6 -> 8.
- Vulnerability to newspaper +35%.

- Raven replaced by Kestrel.
- Kestrel changed to a melee dive bomber.
- Kestrel renamed to Raven.

- Defender missiles 3 -> 5, for better defending.
- Newton is now unable to work by default. An apple needs to be dropped on it to enable it.
- Storage rebalance:
  • turn rate +65%
  • speed +80%
  • DPS -15%
  • range -40%
- Silencer nukes now cost no metal, for consistency with other weapons.

- Dominatrix capture is now permanent. Obedience is the correct behaviour.
- Warrior weapon sound improved: replaced pew pew with WUB WUB.
- Penetrator renamed to Penis. There is no need for euphemisms.
- Zombies, CTF, KotH, and Lava are now all enabled by default.
- New Auto-Resign feature: detects *pluks and automatically resigns them.
- Updated translations for the Nahuatl and Icelandic languages.

Bug fixes:
- Fixed Screamer being unable to target ground.
- Fixed Flea decloaking when moving.
- Fixed Commanders being unable to morph to level 10.
- Fixed Scorcher not doing full damage at range.
- Fixed Ducks being unable to access their Rampage Special Ability Ninja Weapon Technique.
- Fixed slowdamage being unable to achieve 100%.

This patch also introduces the Featured Map Pool Rotation. You will only be able to play on featured maps from the rotation. Here's the pool for this month:
- 1v1:
  • TinySkirmish
  • Chicken_Nuggets_v4
  • Trololo_v2
  • SpeedMetal_Duo_Extreme_NoMetal_fix_final_v3
  • DarkSide Remake
- Teams:
  • DeltaSiegeDry
  • DeltaSiegeDry_Deluxe
  • MiniDeltaSiegeDry
  • DeltaSiegeX
  • DeltaSiegeDuo
+24 / -2
9 years ago
Great work! Finally defenders got buffed! Nevertheless I think the storage turn rate buff is a bit extreme.
+3 / -0
9 years ago
Finaly u've fixed all those bugs! We are now fully ready to release ZK on Steam!
+2 / -0
Darkside is far too standard unorthodox to be featured though. Replace it with a Speedball for the perfect mappool for Steam release.

We can bring in experimental map designs later after people are used to ordinary ZK maps.
+0 / -0
9 years ago
I assume @Rymarq's -1 means he disagrees with the lack of balance changes for sea play.
+3 / -0

9 years ago
Sea balance is perfect already though.

(Am I doing it right?)
+11 / -0
Duck should also be featured, with duck the only unit allowed to be built.
+0 / -0
This post does remind me that there have been no actual updates for quite a while.
+0 / -0

9 years ago
as admin you are requested to mock the CoC in every news denunciation.

also, you missed to flavour the featured map pool with this,this, this, this, this
and du to recent events, obviously, this one
+0 / -0

9 years ago
Updates seem to come in cyles. We have months with 4 patches, and then a month with nothing.
+0 / -0

9 years ago
But where are we supposed to get apples?
+0 / -0
9 years ago
I find it funny that people downvote that
+2 / -2

9 years ago
Updates seem to come in cyles. We have months with 4 patches, and then a month with nothing.

The spare time of contributors comes and goes, I imagine.
+0 / -0

9 years ago
Hahaha this totally made my day, up next can we please re-balance windgens? I think their dps is far too low for a buzz saw on a stick.
+0 / -0
This post does remind me that there have been no actual updates for quite a while.

Four days since last stable Err I mean 11 hours
11 hours since last ZK commit
5 hours if you count infrastructure
+0 / -0

9 years ago
Often updates seem too small for me to make a picture, also pictures take time and that comes and goes. You can look for updates by keeping track of the version number.
+0 / -0

9 years ago
But where are we supposed to get apples?

You build trees, obviously.

Patch notes forgot about that.
+0 / -0

9 years ago

I thought we had flat balance! I was told there were no build trees.
+5 / -0