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This game has the most epic units ever!

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My experience with RTS can be summed up in one game: Starcraft: Brood War.

I have have to say this game has some pretty epic units in comparison. I think 2 days ago I saw a Starlight being used in a FFA game. That was awesome. xD

I wish I could swap Siege tanks(http://starcraft.wikia.com/wiki/Siege_tank_(StarCraft)) for Crabs and BattleCruisers(http://starcraft.wikia.com/wiki/Battlecruiser_(StarCraft)) for the Krow and if Blizzard doesn't mind Jumpers instead of Protoss. lol

Even the buildings are more epic. eg: Singularity reactor.
+13 / -0
9 years ago
The game is epic but the playerbase is epicly small
+2 / -0
Yay, another fellow StarCraft player.

Welcome to Zero-K. If you have any questions, most people (outside of running team games) are quite nice and will generally happily bring you up to speed.
+2 / -0
Broodwar almost costed me my Abitur -.-
+1 / -1

9 years ago
Can't u ask some StarCraft 'noobs' to try ZeroK? Or aren't they RTS enough?
I bet they cannot competite in one month with our best players here.
+0 / -0
Chesti If Koreans find out about this game who knows what will happen in one month. xD

ESrankElTorero That's not a bad thing. People are quite friendly here. :)

+2 / -0
DErankChesti, actually GBrankPRO_rANDY did pretty well against SErank[Er0]Godde. I'd love to see some ZK tournaments featuring multiple top-100 SC2 pros after they spent a few weeks on learning and getting good at ZK. Maybe that'll be a thing after Steam and a few "WTF Is... - ZK?"s and "Let's play"s of popular channels.

On topic:
I think some interface features are more something to be excited about than units when comparing these two games.
+1 / -0

9 years ago
most people (outside of ruining team games) are quite nice

I just had to ftfy. Most teams people are also cool, but some aren't :P
+1 / -0
9 years ago
Honestly these epic units made me play spring. I started with tech anihilation and I loved bigger and bigger units mass explosions(zk actually is not so explosive). I was greatly surprised how I never knew that such games(whole spring) existed.

Thing was at least under linux it was pain in the ass to install it. And currently engine still suffers from mass slowdowns and most people expect that indie games can be played with old PCs.
+2 / -0
9 years ago
most people expect that indie games can be played with old PCs.

ZK has great performance compared to most games. In 1v1 I can play at >40fps with near-ultra graphics on my mediocre 2012 machine. Even in 10v10 it doesn't become unplayable unless someone starts spamming fleas or something.
+0 / -0
ZK has great performance compared to most games.
The problem is that ZK's preformace varies a lot from game to game since it doesnt have any artificial unit count barriers (or rather has this bar set in so high that it is never reached in real battle).

I'd love to see some ZK tournaments featuring multiple top-100 SC2 pros after they spent a few weeks on learning and getting good at ZK.
Yeah I can't wait to see SC2 professionals being forbiden on their contracts to publicly addmiting to playing ZK!

and a few "WTF Is... - ZK?"s
I suppose you refer to a very known game critic Total Biscuit. The thing is that it is never going to happen (even though it would be so very awesome if it would). Why is it never going to happen? What are the 3 main income sources of his? SC 2 commentator, SC 2 team owner and a games critic. So you can see that clearly if ZK would get really popular it could harm his own interest and I don't think TB would risk doing such a thing.
+0 / -0
Why is it never going to happen? What are the 3 main income sources of his? SC 2 commentator, SC 2 team owner and a games critic. So you can see that clearly if ZK would get really popular it could harm his own interest

Oh come on, ZK is never ever going to endanger the SC franchise in any way whatsover. Besides, he has reviewed games that have uncomparably larger chances of taking a bite out of the SC2 scene and I never got the impression that he was concerned about that even in the slightest.
+0 / -0
Why I remember GBrankPRO_rANDY offering to tell TB about Zero-K. Pretty sure once the core developers see ZK as ready they'll make use of this.

+0 / -0
Oh come on, ZK is never ever going to endanger the SC franchise in any way whatsover.

I don't want to say anything overly optimistic but people would say the same back in early 2000s about DoTA EErank[ISP]Lauri

he has reviewed games that have uncomparably larger chances of taking a bite out of the SC2 scene and I never got the impression that he was concerned about that even in the slightest.

such as? OpenRA? GreyGoo? Anomaly 2? Divinity Dragon Commander? I have schearched the whole WTF is playerlist and have not found any other RTS than these mentioned. Oh and there is also 'an early look into Planetary Annihilation' he did while mentioning to wait to wait until the finished product comes out.

Hm I dunno if it helps TB once mentioned in one of his vids 'spring games' as a try to do open source games. I have no idea which one was it but I remember it clearly as I had giggled with excitment just after the fact :F
+0 / -0
9 years ago
Actually, just looking at your awful arguments..

SC 2 commentator, SC 2 team owner and a games critic. So you can see that clearly if ZK would get really popular it could harm his own interest and I don't think TB would risk doing such a thing.

Soon: ZK commentator, ZK team owner and a games critic. So you can see that clearly if ZK would get really popular it could benefit his own interest and I don't think TB would avoid doing such a thing.
+1 / -0

9 years ago
When talking about epic units don't forget about Mega Annihilation Reloaded(needs Spring 96).

+0 / -0
9 years ago
I HAVE DIGGED IT UP! It is not a vid I was mentioning but oh well:
TotalBiscuit says: The best RTS ever made? Certainly in the Top 3. Regardless of its updated remake in the Spring engine, nothing quite tops the original and it still holds up surprisingly well despite its age. RTS on a large scale with some big guns.

cited from Total Annihilation review on GoG http://www.gog.com/mix/totalbiscuits_definitive_list_of_strategy_games
That is a proof that he is at least aware of Spring

Skasi would you leave something you have kinda devoted your life to so easily? I doubt it.
But perhaps I was being overly skeptical about whole TBs "WTF is Zero-K".
+0 / -0

9 years ago
I don't want to say anything overly optimistic but people would say the same back in early 2000s about DoTA

And as we all know, DotA is the only game ever played by anyone, as StarCraft 2 has had nothing but empty servers for the last 5 years.

I don't think Zero-K getting big (though I doubt that would happen, as much as I'd like to ride that wave) would threaten StarCraft.
+0 / -0

9 years ago
Zero K and Starcraft 2 isn't comparable games. Even both are RTS they are different in style and enviroment.
Starcraft 2 is better balanced and simpler than Zero K. Because only 3 races is aviable.
I like Zero K because ir offers epic environment and so many unique options. Example terraforming. I like so many factories and unit availability - you can build anything almost in start. I can configure my screen options. Also Zero K many features helps micro more easily and later game is more macro game. Also striders and superweapons. I like also zooming in and zooming out options. In SC2 WoL doesnt have such option. Also resource system i like more.
Both games are good.
Most problem in Zero K is player lack. :/
+1 / -0
Starcraft 2 is better balanced and simpler than Zero K. Because only 3 races is aviable.

Zero K only has 1 faction, which makes it balanced by definition as both players have access to the same units!


But yeah, Zero K is not simple.
+1 / -0
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