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Let's discuss keybinds and key shortcuts

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On default ZK has some bizzare keybinds that make little sense. Here is the list of them:

"w" for wait. Wait is an almost useless command that is only used with bombers yet it is very close to other highly contested keys that makes it easily pressable by accident resulting in messing up all of your build order.

"t" for ressurect. Arguably useful but there are 2 units in the game capable of resurecting. In comparison target which can be used by 90% of the units in game is not binded into any key. Why not have these 2 change their places or at least rebind ressurect into some other less accessible place like "b" key.

"i" for report screen. Why? Why? the only thing useful for ZK is a map name there... this is only confusing as people can press it on accident and wonder which key makes it disappear.

"h" for sharing screen. This is even more useless than all of the above ones since units can be shared by clicking a button on a player's list and metal, energy are shared between team members anyway.

The last 2 screens are very annoying and have almost none utility for a standard non dev player. Please get rid of the default bindings that spoil the game experience of players.
+9 / -0

9 years ago
I use all of those except rez, I didn't even know rez was bound to t so I might use it in future

I use wait command multiple times per game. I don't know what it does with bombers but I use it to pause my lab etc quite often.

The i screen is a bit of a redundant engine thing but it's the only screen that shows the true gamespeed, if someone is slowing down the game then it lets you know what the speed the game is running at.

As for the H screen which is another old engine thing, metal and energy might be shared when you're excessing but if somebody needs a quick boost of metal to finish a construction, then it has it's uses. The only reason this is never used is because team games are too low level for people to even consider things like this.
+3 / -0

9 years ago
I agree that all of those are useful, but I think they could do with at least requiring holding down CTRL. The H and I screens look completely out of place UI-wise, wait is way too easy to hit accidentally which is annoying.
+3 / -0

9 years ago
The H and I screens look completely out of place UI-wise

That's because they are out of place. They are spring engine screens that are like 10+ years old. I'm not sure why ZK devs didn't bother to do anything with them tbh, they should at least be on some obscure key out of the way

I do remember accidentally hitting wait key quite a bit and being very confused why my units stopped working a few years ago so I agree with changing that from a default key, it wouldn't bother me since I use uikeys.txt
+0 / -0
I think you are saying these screens are useful because you are an old Spring veteran unlike most of current players GBrank[Fx]Drone. You are just used to using them because at the time it was the only way to share metal, energy or units and to tell apart the game you are in. I can understand that but it is not useful for current players as you said yourself they should be hidden. The best way to do it is remove the default keybinding to them (which can be rebinded again so the vet chooses to).

I suppose that you thought that I wanted to remove them GBrank[Fx]Drone but I just want to hide it so that no newb will be like "the fuck this came from?".
+0 / -0

9 years ago
"w" is the (noob) trap - even I press it from time to time by mistake and I don't realize what I've done for a while usually. Maybe there could be some better feedback if you did that - only way to see that units are waiting is if you press shift I think. Also, wasn't the plan to change wait to alt-w or something?
h (sharing in general) needs to be redone - it's actually useful
i on the other hand isn't as important, and speed is nearly always 1 in ZK. if speed had more variety i'd suggest implementing something like EU4 has (notice top right corner to see speed: )
+0 / -0

9 years ago
1) bind areamex to W
2) bind wait to shift+control+alt+meta+W
+6 / -0
9 years ago
2) kill it with fire
+3 / -0

9 years ago
1) bind areamex to W
2) bind wait to shift+control+alt+meta+W

And press it with your nose.
+5 / -0
"w" is the (noob) trap - even I press it from time to time by mistake and I don't realize what I've done for a while usually.

Just change the sand-using-time-measuring-glassy-device's colour, which shows unit waitness(?!) state, from white to red... White is hardly visible.. Red would not.
+0 / -0
The i screen (...) it's the only screen that shows the true gamespeed, if someone is slowing down the game then it lets you know what the speed the game is running at.


(unsynced) Shows/Hides the simulation speed indicator
Spring UI commands
+0 / -0
Wait! There is more into that. There are 6 keys left that are easily accessible by the player as displayed here:

Colored keys means that they are used by a single command (space, ctrl and shift are combination keys). Red are the keybinds I questioned earlier and green ones are that are alright in my opinion.
But take a look how some of the very accessible keys are left out and not being used: z, x, c, v, y and b. Seeing as we already have 6 keys still to spare to bind some additional commands let me present you a list of things I would like to see being binded to one key or be bindable overall:
repeat - possibly by ctrl+r
priority increase and decrease - z and x would do fine here perhaps
cancels target - ctrl+t
toggle of flight mode - ctrl+f

Additionally according to Steam Release Push list which includes "FPS like player list" I would vote for replacing it with overview which at the moment contests the "tab" key.

Please discuss!

Also could anybody tell me reasoning of binding move into "m"?
+1 / -0

9 years ago
It is relatively easy to change and save keybinds both in and out of the game. You can post your keybinds somewhere for others to try out if you have an alternative.
+0 / -0

9 years ago
Changing keybinds is for the power users. The defaults need to be sensible for the newbies.

Also could anybody tell me reasoning of binding move into "m"?

Familiarity for people with prior RTS experience (because that's how 99% of all other RTS bind it).

left out and not being used: z, x, c, v and b

Z and X are build-spacing modifiers.
B is for the gesture build menu. It is not default (I think), but as long as it is accessible ingame, it needs to have a non-conflicting hotkey for those who enable it.
+3 / -0
9 years ago
Oh wait modifiers don;t matter! z x c and v are build hotkeys for command menu! they are reserved as well. The only free keys left is y and possibly h and i once the they get emptied.
+0 / -0
9 years ago
First of all I don't think we need to change much.

I do use t and h for their default purposes. I use w, m and non-used keys (ä, ü, k, y, n, u, # on qwertz) for other things. (u is for unload, but can still be bound to a building.) 'i' could be rebound indeed and the info screen accessed with something else.

q is needed to build only nanoframes. Since the nanoframe nerf q is not that usefull anymore, but still sometimes. It seems as if this can't be rebound so easily.

Two usefull things that have worked previously do no longer work:
- Rotating buildings with ß on a qwertz keyboard
- Switching tabs in the integral menu with , and .
+0 / -0

9 years ago
If you used ctrl-R on a factory wouldnt that just add +5 R units to the que? Don't know if thats such a good place for a binding.
+0 / -0

9 years ago
I think I bound ctrl-R, alt-R and ctrl-alt-R to various forms of terraform. Then again I don't use the hotkeys to queue very often.
+0 / -0
9 years ago
Floris' keybinds are awesome
+1 / -0
""h" for sharing screen. This is even more useless than all of the above ones since units can be shared by clicking a button on a player's list and metal, energy are shared between team members anyway."

As many as possible should be done via keyboard. Because keys are always situated on the same places. So actions can be done fastly, only by brain and hands. No time-consuming catching/pointing to GUI elements with mouse.
+1 / -0
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