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Some help for an noob?

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9 years ago
Hi, i am fairly new and don't know how everything works yet so i would like to ask a few questions.

-Where is the quit game button?
-How can i change color?
-how can i change factions for other spring games?
-Why can i only see open games for zero-K and not for other games?
-All games besides zero-K randomly disappeared?

Thanks in front!
+0 / -0
-Where is the quit game button?

If you hit F10 or click the "Menu" button in the top-right panel, then select "Exit Game". If you are playing, choose "Resign" instead, as that will properly remove you from the game and either self-destruct your units; or, if you have teammates remaining, donate your units to your teammates.

-How can i change color?

You sortof can't. Sortof, because you can grab ZKTeamColors.lua from the repository, edit it, and put it into Spring/LuaUI/Configs/, but the colours you have in-game are auto-selected to make you and your teammates shades of blue and green, and enemies shades of red and yellow.

This is technically caused by a widget, but it is commonly used, so you and your enemies don't even see the same colours. I'm pretty sure colours are consistent within a team, though, so if you call out "orange player" I'm pretty sure everyone will think of the same enemy player.

-how can i change factions for other spring games?

Hmm, it doesn't look like you can anymore. It used to be a dropdown option, but I guess the last round of UI changes dropped it.

-Why can i only see open games for zero-K and not for other games?
-All games besides zero-K randomly disappeared?

Zero-K's main server split from the main Spring server a few months ago, IIRC it was something to do with making sure Zero-K could do automatic matchmaking properly. You can change the "Spring Server Address" in Zero-K Lobby's Settings/Connection, though I'm afraid I don't know the other server address off-hand.

If you do connect to the main server, make sure to uncheck "Official Only" in the multiplayer tab to see games besides Zero-K.
+2 / -0
9 years ago
rest of spring: https://springrts.com/wiki/Download

You can change the "Spring Server Address" in Zero-K Lobby's Settings/Connection, though I'm afraid I don't know the other server address off-hand.
according to springlobby's config:
(I entered that in zeroK-lobby, but it did not work: On restart just connected to zk-server again. There was no message: not sure if bug or 'not supported.')

I'm pretty sure colours are consistent within a team
iirc except for your own color, which is always teal. So if a teammate says "hey green dude, do things!" you will not know he means you?
+2 / -0
iirc except for your own color, which is always teal. So if a teammate says "hey green dude, do things!" you will not know he means you?

Right, that's a good point, I wasn't sure how to phrase that clearly.

I'm pretty sure it works like this:
-All enemies look the same to all of your teammates.
-You are always teal to yourself, but will be some colour in the blue-green region to your teammates.
-Your teammates all have the same colours when viewed by other teammates, but always look teal to themselves.

If they say "dark green guy" and you see no dark green players on your team, then it's probably you, but generally using colours to refer to teammates doesn't help much.
+1 / -0

-Why can i only see open games for zero-K and not for other games?
-All games besides zero-K randomly disappeared?

ZK has it's own server protocol now. You can't connect to the old server with ZK lobby. Weblobby 2.0 / ReactSWL and flobby can connect to both servers (lobby.springrts.com and lobby.zero-k.info) but not at the same time. All other lobbies can only connect to the old server.
+0 / -0
9 years ago
Would it be possible to use the spring weblobby to play zero-k?
i know it can play the others, but i have trouble getting them working.
+0 / -0

9 years ago
I do not think u will find a lobby which supports both server protocols.
When u are with Linux u could use flobby with two instances.
+0 / -0

9 years ago
BErankkillerzerg make sure to use the commandline argument "-url http://weblobby.springrts.com/reactjs/index.html" when using weblobby. Then you can just select the server under options.
+1 / -0
Or BErankkillerzerg you can just use rSWL instead. It works and can connect into both ZK and Spring server.
Just click the button on the home page of SWL.

DErankChesti are you like blind? RUrankAdminikinz just gave links to 2 lobbies that can do just that. (sorry if it is offensive to you but like seriously)
+0 / -0
-You are always green (used to be teal) to yourself

No, you - and only you! - are still always teal. Spectated duels feature green instead because you are not participating personally so there is no teal.
+0 / -0

9 years ago
Sorry maybe wrong formed sentence, I meant no lobby can do both servers at same time.
+0 / -0
9 years ago
I was always asking myself why the old protocol has been deleted in ZKL instead of just kept as a second option.
+1 / -0
9 years ago
Waitwaitwait, you see yourself as green now???
+0 / -0

9 years ago
No. Yourself is still teal.
+0 / -0
Yeah, sorry, my mistake. I switched the spectating colour from green to teal myself (in case some of my viewers are RG colour-blind), but I thought I had also changed it for the "self" colour, since I do weird non-default things to my setup from time to time.

I've edited my above posts to correctly use teal.
+0 / -0