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Skuttle Hall of Fame

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I need You to bring me your best skuttle
-replays (with timecode, short summary)
-of even better a video of the featured part

post them here, as a collection for the afterlife.

if the mass of submissions is critical, i will probably edit a video of it.

only submissions are allowed. if you want to comment on something, submit in the same post.

i add over time my own skuttle links.

if you need space to save your video for sharing, let me know (or use dropbox or other sharing services)

(we could do this for every unit, so start a thread featuring you mostly famous units).

big bertha shooting a commander killing it, then from commander explosion makes a skuttle go BOOM and killing other 2 commanders does count too, if a battle link is included in the post.

if someone skuttles a single nanoturret, it is guaranteed to be included. this is very important and really appreciated.
+9 / -0

9 years ago
Multiplayer B360169 20 on Verdant v4 reef and leviathan with one skuttle
Multiplayer B350083 12 on Tuckedup_16x12_003 some trollcoms
Multiplayer B324816 28 on Sima v1 3 trollcoms skuttled, 2 coms with one skutt.
Multiplayer B313755 19 on Red Comet headhunter award with skuttles
+0 / -0
9 years ago

those were the days.
+4 / -0

9 years ago
I skuttled a licho at 16:00
+3 / -0
Here it is, there were just 2 commanders not 3.


Bertha one shot killed 2 commanders, 1 aegis and 1 missile silo(skuttle was not present) with 2 tactical nukes at 18 minutes and 20 seconds
+2 / -0

9 years ago
Experimenting with throwing Skuttles with Newtons.


This is a generally noobish replay otherwise, but the fact that the opponents take some time to understand what is going on, combined with the fact that the precision is hard to pull off, make the moment when you DO manage to hit a hazardous target very rewarding.

I'll have to add timestamps when I can run the replay.
(I'm pretty sure I already gave them in another comment around here, but Zero-K search systems seem to be somewhat lacking...)
+2 / -0

sacrificer: ROrankForgottenGeneral
lvl 5 trollcom with sunburst (name: Cyka Blyat!)
descnyced, so no public replay
first and only skuttle and attempt was successful.
+7 / -0
+11 / -0

9 years ago
In case you are interested :

I blow up a group of (almost dead) buoys with 1/2 roaches towards the end of this game, on the right upper beach (no cloak involved, but buoys have a low fire rate and projectile speed).
+1 / -0
best I can do is the derpy roach that refused to cloak :/
+17 / -0
9 years ago
I bet that roach ruined the whole plan XD
+4 / -0
+5 / -0
+4 / -0
9 years ago
Wanted to skittle one lobster com, but by the moment skittle landed @Rafal[ZK] came to exactly the same spot with his lvl3 dgun "Lobster trainer"
2 for the price of one :D


+19 / -0
thats the spirit. also, promote you, sir Firepluk, to my successor of skuttling (and skuttle gifs) once i retire (which can be now anyday unfortunately)
+0 / -0

9 years ago
I'll never cease to be amazed by people who play without shadows, but with cloak distortion and explosion distortion
+0 / -0

9 years ago
Don't default Spring settings, when lowered, disable shadows first, and cloak/explosion distorsion second?
+0 / -0

9 years ago
Shadows are fugly and very FPS hungry, why would one play with them?
+2 / -0

9 years ago
DErankAdminmojjj you already said once that you would retire for ever... you cannot easily get away from ZK you know.
+5 / -0
source: Multiplayer B375396 20 on Desertmountain17_Fix

Wyvern denied.

PS. My first video ever, so pls forgive any mistakes :)
+9 / -0
Page of 3 (48 records)