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Loading screens

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9 years ago
I decided to contribute a bit to ZK development, but since I have no coding skills, I thought I cIould make some loading screens.
The current ones are quite old, they were still made for old engines, before loading bars, some of the info is not relevant anymore.

How do I do this? What are the technical requirements (size, filetype...) Where can I find some files for ZK-style, like background and fonts?

Do you have some nice screenshots or ideas for loading screens? I was thinking about the fan-art drawings, that screenshot thread of a few weeks ago...

I would like to cover all info that new players might not find easily, but can be really handy, like command modifiers, building spacing, how to use certain tricky units, advanced tactics, etc...
+4 / -0
Afaik the source (psd) files for original ones should be available at https://github.com/ZeroK-RTS/Zero-K-Artwork . The lowest effort highest value thing you could do would be to take that and make loading bar not conflict with the tips.

Here's something we've been gifted recently that you could incorporate as a new loadscreen. Originally it was intended for another purpose, but i see no problem with additional uses.

+11 / -0
9 years ago
Wow awesome drawing! Who made it?
I guess I could use it for a loading screen on how to use scythes.
+0 / -0
Zomg, look what I found!
+1 / -0
Wow awesome drawing! Who made it?

Jeremy Gooch, the same artist who made the other two in similar style (warrior and glaive)

Also, there was this thread with stylized renders of units, including scorpion and some others.
+0 / -0

9 years ago
All source files for the loadscreens are available here: https://github.com/ZeroK-RTS/Zero-K-Artwork/tree/master/yak%20loadscreens

I used GIMP to make them so hope you have something that can open .xcf files. Otherwise you'll have to make do with the raw pngs.

Remade loadscreen should ideally be done with luaintro. This will allow greater modability and scripted text, rather then my image-based tips and etc. Luaintro has a great deal of flexibility, in theory gadgets such as chilli chat can be integrated.

I made some efforts to redo loadscreens a while back but didn't get anywhere. The extent of my efforts can be seen here: https://springrts.com/phpbb/viewtopic.php?f=23&t=31322&p=552703&hilit=luaintro#p552703

tl;dr is that shit didn't work for me that worked for other people just fine. AMD driver issues were suspected but never solved as I was the only one who was experiencing these issues at the time. I hope whoever attempts this next has better luck then me.
+1 / -0
9 years ago
I have some time this weekend and the coming week, so I'll try to see what I can do in this timeframe.
Step 1 is to decide the topics of the loading screens. I looked around on the forums to get some inspiration:

I'm trying to make a complete list of things that could be useful to put in loadscreens, but I will try to start with the most important ones.

There are things that are aimed at players with different levels of experience and skill. In the long term it would be neat if the loading screen pool could change depending on the player's level and elo. New players get basic understanding and basic UI stuff, low elo players get more basic strategical and tactical hints, medium experienced players get rarely used hidden features and hotkeys, medium elo players would get more advanced tactical and strategical tips & tricks.
I will focus on hints for new and less skilled players for now.

Anyway, the list:

I guess I could pull a lot of text from existing guides and try to shorten it for fast reading.

Whatever texts I write migh also be useful for guides, and it would be nice if players could access the info in loading screens via the website.
(the reason I prefer making loading screens is because all(?) players will see them)

Let me know if you have any suggestions.
+0 / -0
how about using the scorpion fanart i made quite a while back as one of the loadscreens?
I can remove that fan logo and my sig or give you the entire xcf file

EDIt: didn't notice my thread was already linked :)
+2 / -0

9 years ago
Loading screens are definitely where it's at. It's the perfect way to force-feed information. Of course, the images should be as pretty as possible as well.
+0 / -0

9 years ago

This comes to mind:
Scythes are extremely annoying raiders that can be detrimental to your plans. Don't forget to make solar walls or a screen of cheap units or you'll be sorry.
+0 / -0

9 years ago
"Don't forget to spam zenith nanoframes around your air player"
+2 / -0

9 years ago
Don't put in anything about the widget selector because ideally that will become less accessible.

Scythes are extremely annoying raiders that can be detrimental to your plans. Don't forget to make solar walls or a screen of cheap units or you'll be sorry.
I think this has the wrong tone. Use a neutral tone which convey the information to the player. All you have done here is tell people how they should feel about information which you actually failed to tell them (that Scythes cloak and are melee).
+1 / -0
9 years ago
Hello flipstip, I think thats rather good idea.

if you wish, we can contribute on making a 3D model type of screenshot.

i can set up a scenario, if you have any artistic style it could be benefitual.

just contact me whenever if you really wish for that.
+0 / -0

9 years ago
Scythes are cloaked melee raiders that can sneak up and ruin your plans. Don't forget to make solar walls or a screen of cheap units around your important things if you see the enemy has some.

Take 2.
+0 / -0
9 years ago
Here is what i mean with 3D model images.(No backgrounds.)




zerok is already 3D you say? As much as I like to take few images from the live action inside the game, it wont harm if you take it outside the box.

by outside the box I mean a free software that allow you to maniuplate with the body's rotation/movement and capture it in screen, though I feel like I am falsely advertising the game mechanic's with these but let's just consider it 'Artworks'.
+0 / -0
9 years ago
USrankdotT I definitely want to use your gorgeous drawings!

KWrankSouLTaKeR1 3D model images could be cool, but for instance the scythe model is not very pretty from up close. If you could prettify it (or make someone else do it) it could be really nice though, make the texture look smoother etc. Maybe collaborate with USrankdotT.
+0 / -0
9 years ago
oof. I just realized since im using GIMP 2.9(the unstable dev version), the XCF file most likely wont be compatible with your GIMP version

Here's the file for Scorpion:
dropbox link
i've included the XCF,and a transparent PNG in case the XCF doesnt work
+2 / -0
9 years ago

No its not, its just a pose.

but I could think of 'ways' to set things up; doubt I can do it efficently on my own.

Basically the idea you can setup Scenario(background,ground and lighting etc.)

take rendered image and into gimp you can tweak some colours to make it looks more 'hardcore' and possibly add some scars here and then, or do that with its own texture.

I would only know how to do these kind of stuff half way but not til the end alas.
+0 / -0

9 years ago
The less useful for a new player the loading screen tip, the less chances it would have to appear?

Why would you want to make the widget selector less accessible?
+0 / -0

9 years ago
Why would you want to make the widget selector less accessible?

"Click here to ruin your UI and require someone competent to help you"
+4 / -0
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