Scalpel - Skirmisher that almost always hits, has huge alpha, AoE. Effective against its counters in bulk as well as heavies (due to alpha).
Bouy - Skirmisher that has great range and slow damage, in bulk effective against its counters as well as heavies (due to slow).
Both of these guys are conspicously superior to the 'vanilla' skirmishers - Rocko, Rogue, Recluse, Moderator, slasher - and break the unit counter structures in a fairly unintutive way. I'd suggest that these are not very enjoyable to face since they have a monospam-rewarding deathball mechanic and discourage any attempt to engage them outside of an all-in by merit of either punishing alpha (Scalpel) or preventing retreat (Bouy)
I guess the question is - are these units too good compared to normal skirmishers?
If so, should the other skirmishers be nerfed, or should these units be buffed?