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Controls with mouse buttons

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It seems to me that Zero-K doesn't use mouse for its full potential, is it appropriate to suggest some improvements/additional functions on this aspect?

Some ideas:
Double left click on a unit --- it might be more useful to have this quickly select a relatively distinct cluster of units of the same type, instead of all units on the screen of the same type, the implementation could be based on the distances between units and some branched chains.

Double left click on the ground --- same as above but depend on the unit that's closest to your cursor, or setting/removing a repair zone.

Double right click on a enemy unit --- set target for all this type of enemy unit within a cluster.

Double right click on the ground --- same with ctrl+move.

Holding left button while click/drag with right button --- fight/fight with custom formation.
+1 / -0

8 years ago
I like those ideas and would like to see more such ideas.
+0 / -0
An alternative idea for the same unit type selection: When doing the double left click, if you drag while holding the second click, it would create a circle to let you decide the range of the same unit type selection.
+1 / -0
Double right click on a enemy unit --- set target for all this type of enemy unit within a cluster.

How will you resolve the many-to-many relationship between selected untis and targets into a series of one-to-one settarget commands? Is this identical to Split Attack?

Double right click on the ground --- same with ctrl+move.

Is already used; triggers Fight (or attack move, whatever). I had to disable the it for myself because i spam clicks when microing.


My own idea of making more use of the mouse was figuring a way to make additional mouse buttons work. Many modern mice have button6 and button7 for "page up" and "page down"; i'd bind them to settarget and areamex, or some such.

I tried twice and did not succeed.
+0 / -0
The main purpose was to provoke some discussion, so I didn't put much thoughts into details.

It could be like split attack, or we can make set target allowing multiple targets. Set target is mostly a command about priorities, multiple targets with higest priority is not hard to imagine.

Simply make right double click set target would be great, too. It is natural that a new player would spam attack commands on a target if he think it is really important to destory it.
+0 / -0

8 years ago
Simply make right double click set target would be great, too. It is natural that a new player would spam attack command on a target if he think it is really important to destory it.

Simply clicking attack already sets target. If you right-click an enemy then right-click ground, you'll have settargeted the enemy.
+0 / -0
That's embarrassing, I always thought they are separate commands ever since set target was introduced in Zero-K, and the priority would be cancelled once the target of the attack command escaped the weapon range.
+0 / -0

8 years ago
Don't be embarrassed. ZK is complex and poorly documented. There's always something new to learn.
+0 / -0

8 years ago
ZK is complex and poorly documented.

This is a huge annoyance of mine, especially after not having touched the game in 2 years, and I feel like I need to search through source code and changelogs to figure out how certain things work.

It would be nice to get the community more involved (that's the purpose of a wiki after all), but devs could also make a better point of documenting their new features or changes as they add them.
+0 / -0

8 years ago
Zero-K is poorly documented in part /because/ it is complex. Also because documenting things is hard.

There's actually a lot of documentation for Zero-K, and some of it is very well done. But the more esoteric details (like "attack implicitly sets target") are hard to come by. One reason is because there's just a lot of those kinds of details; another reason is that the various documentation we have comes in many forms, is in many locations, and is not well organized.

Someday I'll do something to help fix that. Maybe someone else will take the iniative and do it first.
+0 / -0
Also, welcome back USrankluckywaldo7 . As it turns out I've been away for two years as well. Such a shame that life gets in the way of having fun.
+0 / -0