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Your ToS is BS

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8 years ago
This post has been downvoted below -5 and collapsed, click here to expand
Cuz respect must be earned, and mindlessly respecting everyone imbeciles and Firepluk the Crow Suiciding Resignman included is plain stoopid.
+0 / -6
Pssh. It's not a ToS, it's a CoC.

On topic: Every gram of matter that beat the odds of being transformed into a living being should've automatically earned your respect for being such a lucker.
+4 / -0
"Being a social, rational human being is such bullshit."

Sure, why don't you disrespect everyone in real life. Let's see how far your theory goes.

Believe it or not, just because you're anonymous on the internet doesn't mean your actions have no consequences. You can cry all you want about Firepluk and bad players and how oh so good you are at the game, but it doesn't give you any right once so ever to disrespect people and think it's socially acceptable. You want respect, you have to show it. You want people to even begin to like you, you gotta show em some degree of respect.

Take it from me, people are a bitch when it comes to past grievances. It is something that will haunt you forever.

Blah blah blah, something about a moral lesson.


Don't work retail, hospitality, or anything involving social interaction.

PSS: Please stop filling the forums with your attention seeking spam posts. It's starting to get old and dull.
+6 / -0

8 years ago
... respect must be earned ...

You're quite right. How about you do that?
+4 / -0

8 years ago
Accrued, not earned. :P
+4 / -0
8 years ago
Dont mention respect in my presence
+1 / -0
8 years ago
Sorry bot you failed to make a point PLrankFailer
+1 / -0
8 years ago
You are making a false assumption that i am a "social" nicetard like you and want to be liked and respected at all.
"Love me, hate me, it all tastes the same!" /Psycho, Borderlands 2.
+1 / -5

8 years ago
"Cry some more" /Heavy, TF2
+0 / -0
8 years ago
You can cry all you want about Firepluk and bad players and how oh so good you are at the game
Did he? I think this:
Firepluk the Crow Suiciding Resignman
had nothing to do with players skill but with something else.

PSS: Please stop filling the forums with your attention seeking spam posts.
paShadoWn's last previous post had been 7 months ago.

Game with paShadoWn and Firepluk : Multiplayer B406290 14 on TitanDuel
And yes, has too much !resign !resign spam. By several players. As is normal in so many matches.
Super annoying to play when there is constant resign shit. Is it so funny to make shitty popups on screens of other players so that they have to click shit and cause more spam in chat?
+2 / -0

8 years ago
"Resign popup spam is annoying, what can we do to prevent it?" is what he should've said.
Phrasing matters.
+4 / -0
8 years ago
The correct solution would be a technical/adminstrative one. But that does appearently not work.
So the next best solution is a social one: stop giving respect to players who do shit like shit votes.
+1 / -0

8 years ago
We haven't exhausted all technical options yet.
Disabling resign voting in the first X mins, enforcing a min CD between vote calls and disabling globally mutes players (concept from dota) from calling votes would be a good first step
+1 / -0
8 years ago
We haven't exhausted all technical options yet.
You never will: There is unlimited number of tweaks and special rules you could add to prevent trolling via resign system.
Make ranked/unranked rooms, unmix shit matches from normal matches, all already possible if people could only agree to do it. Remove the causes for trolling and shit instead of fumbling around with symptoms.
+0 / -0
Make ranked/unranked rooms

Already possible. Modoptions exist and players can make their own rooms.

unmix shit matches from normal matches

The definition for a "shit match" probably varies by player. Still, custom rooms with bosses kicking/spectating players and banning maps which they think create "shit matches" is possible.

There is unlimited number of tweaks and special rules you could add to prevent trolling via resign system.

I don't think preventing all possible situations is really necessary. Just getting rid of the worst cases would already be a good start. Also, an auto-voter widget or a redesign of resign votes could be really nice:
  • Initially count all players as "No-voters".
  • Turn team-resign in the menu into a tick-box.
  • Display the current/needed vote numbers next to the box.
  • When team-resign is near, send a warning message to players.
  • When enough people ticked the box, execute the actual team-resign code.
This way there wont be any popup-spam.

Players might forget about having voted to resign and change their mind, then be surprised about a sudden resign. I expect this situation to be extremely rare and something players learn from -> it would stop them from resign-voting too early when the game was not decided yet. (In other words, forgetting about the vote and accidentally team-resigning after an almost comeback would not necessarily be a bad thing because it shows players that they voted to resign too early and might change their behavior.)
+3 / -0

8 years ago
You ppl are far too real for me.
+1 / -0

8 years ago
+3 / -0

8 years ago
Smaller pop-up that blinks w alarm when resign vote is near winning (this also works for other votes, since all in game votes are fairly big deals), and don't allow the same person to call the same kind of vote twice in a single match.
+0 / -0
Also note how in the linked replay team with less Chesti wins.
Leveler sidearm Chesti? Have it IN UR FACE. To complement the Big Chesty Heart award.
+0 / -0
8 years ago
oh, story time!
The best moment of zeroK, ever, has sadly been lost together with download of this replay: Multiplayer B370826 6 on IncultaV2
Game itself is quite boring, but there had been an arguement in chat between @_Shaman and some mapfeaturers about his recent tactics. Basically whether it is harmful for community-spirit to concentrate rushes on certain players or if some tactics take the fun out of game. Then somehow, in what seemed like an attempt to 'give the troller a taste of his own medicine', the mapfeaturer made a all-in-flame-bomber rush against the troller.
+0 / -0