Hello fellow ZK players, today I create a thread about a very important yet neglected aspect of ZK: Sea. Yes, the part of Zero-K we all !votemap away and it never gets played. I plan to go over some basic meta/unit stuff in this post, and list possible corrections.
So, sea's gameplay is pretty screwy. We have Hovers, Ships, and Anphibs all working in equal measure but its usually Hovers or Anphibs that win with Ships coming in last. With that we have another factory, planes, that does a decent job of dealing with water threats with raven. This one unit relationship with sea actually ended up spawning a few units (Angler much?) To specifically deal with air threats.
Economy in the damp is a pretty big thing, so lets go ahead and say this: Compared to the rest of sea meta, economy is pretty dang good. It has both forms of m and semi-stable e that aren't land dependent, which help it stay unique from the rest of ZK. Not to say that we don't want similarities, but we don't want Sea-K becoming a thing here.
Possible corrections for sea unit interaction will be discussed later.
FactoriesHere's where things get pretty advanced (and messed up).
ShipsShips have some problems, namely among them a lack of ways to get rid of the rest of sea without spamming an easily counterable unit.
Skeeter: Good for essentially suicide scouting and that's about it. I've never seen it being used for anything other than that.
Mariner: Good, decent constructor with decent buildpower. Maybe add disarm missile and make Skeeter some sort of underwater flea with sonar?
Snake: Most spammable decent sea unit. Probably needs nerf or buff hunter to counter.
Hunter: Supposedly anti-sub but really doesn't do that well. Buff needed, also maybe decrease reload time.
Enforcer: Not seen often but does really good damage to land/shore targets. Leave as is, maybe decrease cost.
Typoon: Decent damage, REALLY needs more range.
Destroyer: Arty part is fine, depthcharge needs to be a proper depthcharge.
Serpent: Leave as is.
Shredder: Decent aa, leave as is.
Will add other two factories tomorrow.