Would some custom-made unit models be something that the Zero-K team be interested in? You see, I got bored and blocked out a quick mech dude. He turned out like this...  ...and I thought it looked similar to the recon commander. This gave me the idea that, for some practice projects, I could learn how to make some new models for Zero-K to use. So I thought I'd ask if we're interested.
+18 / -0
 I would love to see some more detailed models in zk, especially now that yak's maps look better than the units on them. I feel like your mech fits the cloak factory best.
+2 / -0
I'm definitely interested in having some new ship models. (My understanding is that they are easier than bots in that their animation is much simpler.) If that's a thing you're interested in doing then I can put together a more concrete wishlist.
+1 / -0
But do you want to replace old models? Or would there be an interest from the devs side to introduce new Units? Phytophyte, which Programm did you used for that model. All the 3D-Model Programms i use (Inventor 2018 & Solidworks), would request hours to do such a model.
+0 / -0
Can you do textures too? Another unit that's long overdue for remodelling is  . But just like  it seems to be cursed in that noone who attempts a replacement ever delivers.
+1 / -0
Speaking for myself, I think there's interest in both remodels of existing units and introduction of new ones, at least as far as ships is concerned.
+0 / -0
Here's a list of things that would be good to replace.
+0 / -0
maybe you should translate in normal Player vocabulary ;) Duno what half of the things are :D
+0 / -0
The Hunter seems like a good place to start, sure. I'll whip up some concept sketches in a bit. quote: But do you want to replace old models?
Or would there be an interest from the devs side to introduce new Units?
Phytophyte, which Programm did you used for that model. All the 3D-Model Programms i use (Inventor 2018 & Solidworks), would request hours to do such a model. |
It'd be better to start with replacements, as it'd be nice to have a baseline to lean on while I develop a workflow. Once I get a few models under the belt, I'm down with new units. As for the program, it's just Blender. This took me 'bout two hours to do, and it's little more than a bunch of boxes squashed and extruded into a roughly mech-like shape. It's not ready to texture or animate. quote: Can you do textures too?
Another unit that's long overdue for remodelling is .
But just like it seems to be cursed in that noone who attempts a replacement ever delivers. |
I don't have as much experience with texturing, but I do have the literature to learn what I need, and I'm willing to try textures anyway. Also, thanks for the excuse, in case things go poorly!
+4 / -0
Blender is so much faster than commercial software. Because if you can't handle the hotkeys, you're going to use another program :P
+1 / -0
quote: maybe you should translate in normal Player vocabulary ;) |
I've done some translating (and elimination of obsoletes) in the ticket.
+1 / -0
I am in favour of new models, but they tend to require a lot of work.
+0 / -0
And for the devs, does the programm, in which the model is done mather?
+0 / -0
The modeling program does not matter as long as it outputs models in one of the preferred formats: OBJ or 3DS. If you know how to integrate the model into Spring, animate it, and are willing to do that yourself you can also use DAE.
+0 / -0
Yeah I agree with Anarchid Likho model is really old and same with the hunter. I would also like too see a remade/new model for the crab, the current model isn't bad just terribly outdated (especially given that all other spiders except flea got new models years ago).
+0 / -0
I said I'd do concept sketches, but Krita decided to start SegFault'ing me, so I'll have to get that figured out. In its place, I blocked out the concept for a new Hunter model. See whatcha think:  (in hindsight, those pictures are on the larger side. I'll use smaller ones in the future.) Anyway! quote: The modeling program does not matter as long as it outputs models in one of the preferred formats: OBJ or 3DS.
If you know how to integrate the model into Spring, animate it, and are willing to do that yourself you can also use DAE. |
Blender has built-in exporting support for all three of those formats, so bonus points there. I think I've also seen a plugin for .s3o support; I'll have to find that again, eventually. No support for .3do models, though. Is there another program that I could use to at least view those models?
+6 / -0
Blender's s3o plugin is bitrotten beyond repair and will not work with current blender versions. You can search for "Upspring" for a 3do editor. This is also what people use to convert obj and 3ds to s3o by manually reassigning piece parenting.
+0 / -0
ships with one floating body are there many. just a concept thought for hunter, as it shoots underwater, a katamaran ship could shoot between its 2 bodys the torpedos right below. the visuals would give it a unique look to distinguish better form other ships. what do you think? https://www.google.de/search?tbm=isch&q=katamaran+warship&spell=1&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwicqYr9h_rXAhUGIcAKHfpFBU4QBQgjKAA&biw=1863&bih=965&dpr=1https://www.maxr.org/docs.php?id=26
+0 / -0
A more relevant critique of the presented concept is that it has many things that Hunter does not need (multiple forward-only torpedo launchers) and doesn't have the things that are necessary (a rotating turret!). I would also suggest keeping its current length/width aspect ratio. Long narrow units are generally bad in Spring, so best avoid it if you can. The catamaran hull designs from the mojjj's second link seem like they would help with that, but i don't think it should try to shoot the torps between its hulls; just keep the above-deck turret. Another thing that would be good to have would be a visible torpedo in the torp gun thing, which then disappears when the actual projectile is launched. See the missiles on Cutter and Impaler for an example of this.
+0 / -0
Shorter, simpler, rotating launcher, visible torpedo, multiple body -- I copy that. I don't know how y'all feel about asymmetrical design, but let's give this concept a spin.
+7 / -0