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Storage .... newbies fault (excess is shared to teammates)

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Why you make storage?

newbies make it by default why? There is no hint that it is useless in 99 % of case


I sometimes do to porcpush or speedmetal but do not in any other case..

I would like to see disabled storage < lvl 10
+6 / -0
6 years ago
It's better to spend metal than to store it but it's better to store it than to excess
+3 / -2

6 years ago
there is no excess to trash, excess shared to teammates
+2 / -0

6 years ago
ye in team games

who cares about team games
+6 / -6
Storage is only really important if you lose your commander or in really, really absurd lategame FFA economies. In 1v1 you wanna spend your resources, in team games you want to share them.

If storage were not linked to the commander like it was previously, we could probably remove the storage building from the game. The reason storage is linked to the commander is mostly so that dead or AFK players don't sap 1000 resources from their team into kind of 'thin air' though, as I understand it.

Other options to prevent the noobtrap of storage is to give some to another rare building, like factories (But then everyone would have 1.5k storage in most cases) or pylons (Which could still be spammed and might give storage you do not want).
+1 / -0

6 years ago
The reason storage is linked to the commander is mostly so that dead or AFK players don't sap 1000 resources from their team into kind of 'thin air' though, as I understand it.

As far as I can tell it's so that it is tied to an actual ingame unit that can be interacted with.
+0 / -0

6 years ago
One storage makes sense if you use you commander to expand with and want to prepare for his possible demise.

Two storages make sense if you foresee a lot of reclaiming and don't want to excess.

But some of the new guys I've seen build between 6 to 12 storages, which frankly is ludicrous. I rub my hands at the thought of getting some glaives within range of those tasty mushrooms that have sprouted at the back of their base ;)
+3 / -0

It's better to spend metal than to store it but it's better to store it than to excess

this is the failure.
if you excess it, it goes to teammates, if you store it you trash it and lack units

edit:also your storages will eat team excessing ressources in future, which others could use
edit2: specially when you suffer energy its a disgrace to see someone storing thousands of Energy in storages
+1 / -0
6 years ago
"But some of the new guys I've seen build between 6 to 12 storages, which frankly is ludicrous. I rub my hands at the thought of getting some glaives within range of those tasty mushrooms that have sprouted at the back of their base ;) "

If you kill the storages will the resources not simply go to more capable teammates, why would you want that?
Would it not be better to leave the newbies storages alive? So that he will continue to prevent his team from using resources.
+1 / -0

6 years ago
Yes but unless teammates have themselves storages, it is unlikely they will be able to absorb all the metal that is suddenly delivered by destroyed storages. So the metal is lost as I understand.
+0 / -0
There are lots of nub traps in this game, unlocks could be cool but majority of devs won't agree and probably they are right
the sooner the newbs try all out the sooner they will get much needed experience to avoid those traps
this is solely a problem of unbalanced clusterfuck games...

Is nubtron still enabled for new players by default? it could yell at them a bit... for making early shield/eraser... or for early storage spam...
+4 / -0

6 years ago
*whispers* Nubtron is Corvus ;)
+4 / -0
6 years ago
if the problem is that the metal is not shared to team mates when too many storage, why not also share storage ? if a player need metal and there is some in another player storage, just use it
+3 / -1

6 years ago
Actually I like that idea a fair bit.

Have the commander only storage your own personal reserve, nobody can take it away from you - but make storage buildings add to a team storage pool.

The UI might need a bit of a rework to deal with this, but there's already support for highlighting part of the bar, adding a mark some distance along to represent team and personal resources wouldn't be so terrible, and then a) it highlights that someone is building a ton of storages, b) you can see how much is stored in there more easily, and of course c) you can get at it.

If people say "But I want all my metal!" it also opens the line of discussion that maybe they should be spending it all, then, which would directly incentivise the behaviour people claim to want, hopefully without requiring too much tutorialization.
+2 / -1
If the storage is divided by 8 then a newbie will build 8x the storage to hold his metal and I then all his allies are also sitting on tonnes of storage capacity too now.

No, the reason they build storage is they don't want to excess, and the reason they excess is they don't put their factories on repeat. Instead they build nothing but constructors and storages just to get their economy under control, because when their factory is only running 1/10th of the time they need 10x the buildpower to spend in a timely fashion. Whenever I tell a noob to put his factory on repeat and assist it, it completely changes how he plays because suddenly he is no longer excessing so no longer needs to do these stupid things to get his eco under control.

This is also why they build large projects like mechs, fusions, and berthas: These large structures provide constant drain over a long period without them having to press the 'glaive' button 100 times.

Just putting factories on repeat by default would fix a lot of this. The first thing the tutorial teaches you about factories is put them on repeat! But everyone immediately forgets this on mission 2 because it's so easy to miss. But we should have done this at launch because a lot of noobs have probably learnt completely the wrong way to play.
+5 / -0
6 years ago
I totally agree... default should be repeat
+0 / -0

6 years ago
We don't press the shift key by default either. Thus I've seen many streamers play the game as a constructor micro simulator, constantly switching between constructor to keep giving them new tasks. No wonder they're having problems expanding like this. I don't feel like factory repeat is the magic bullet, it might as well be confusing.

I'd rather have an optional in-game tutorial like nubtron that repeats the basics as many times as a player needs.
+1 / -0
As frustrating as it can be to see a guy building storage farm the first 30 seconds of the game I have to confess that some newbs techniques made me completely laugh!

The other day I saw a dude literally building 30 storages, then 3 strider hubs only to rush a detriment half finished before "screaming" at his teammates to help him rush Nuke because he changed his mind.

This level of noobism was above everything I could ever imagine, and I played many games with UArankCorvus_Corax!

Just let the newbs be. They are spreading laughs and happiness.
+1 / -0

6 years ago
Yesterday, I had an interesting game where myself and another relatively experienced player each had a completely unrated novice on our side Multiplayer B540513 4 on Fairyland 1.31. PTranksytanchin did the newbie thing of building a pile of storages (I only noticed when his commander got bombed and I told him to make a storage then).

Because he was a newbie I made a point of trying to instruct and guide him as we played. At one point he said "I've got enough for a Cerb? Shall I build one?" or words to that effect. Could it be simply that a lot of newbies don't realise or forget that you don't need the full resources to build something available at the time you start construction?

I don't think there is a loadscreen that clearly explains that. Perhaps one would help alleviate this scourge?

Interestingly, the benefits of communication generally are pretty obvious in that game as well. GBrankJamse32 didn't say a word to USrankBlueDingo (unless they were both on voice which seems unlikely) throughout, and Dingo played exactly as a newbie normally does while Sat was actually useful and when he had to go afk, we worked out how to squad up so I could benefit fully from his eco and factories which proved necessary to win. I wish I'd noticed when he did actually return so he could play a more active role in the game.
+3 / -0