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Zero-K v1.6.5.2 – Fixes

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6 years ago

The commander regeneration bug prompted an urgent fix. We also managed to get in an improvement to Missile Silo controls, and address various other issues while we were at it.

  • Missile Silo now launches the oldest missile it has (or the next one it builds, if none are ready) when it receives a Force Fire order.

  • Fixed commanders' autorepair scaling with their buildpower.
  • Fixed some issues with save/load (this included such fun things as crawling bombs exploding in their factory).
  • Fixed Swift speed boost's cooldown bar.
  • Fixed metal spot circle thickness and mex animation speed with high metal mults.
  • Fixed commanders displaying the wrong decloak distance.
+1 / -0
R.I.P mah boy :(

Its funny that nobody really noticed until health bar showed regen properly, I was abusing it for like 3 months at very least :D since I started playing again.

I guess regen aint that good. (regen was disabled by emp and disarm).


PS learn to read between the lines! I tried to tell you :P
+2 / -3

6 years ago
people who abuse bugs to effectively cheat but don’t report them are just the best people.
+5 / -0
6 years ago
Yeah I thought it will be noticed in couple of games max. But people just didint notice/didint care I just kept running around.

You die to spy or ultimatum anyway.
+1 / -0
6 years ago
I really hope the next release will address some of the most annoying bugs I reported here in threads starting with Bug-K...
+0 / -0

6 years ago
A few months ago I did notice something wrong on a ffa when I had two krows chasing and firing the lasers at wolas's commander for a while and its regen seemed to absorb most of the dps.

+1 / -0

6 years ago
I think we can all be thankful Raaar havent been abusing this
+6 / -0

6 years ago
+0 / -0
"+I really hope the next release will address some of the most annoying bugs I reported here in threads starting with Bug-K... "

Unlikely, because you know what you should have done to report the bugs correctly.
+2 / -1
6 years ago
Unlikely, because you know what you should have done to report the bugs correctly.

Abuse them like mad? Because that seems to get an instant response.

Also, pretty sure he said he got banned from github. I can't imagine why, but it does make it hard to file a bug report via the correct method.
+0 / -0