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How to win Zero-k multiplayer

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5 years ago
Zero-k is a strategic game of building an economy and destroying your opponents. Zero-k is a action game about microing your units to overcome the in game counter structure. Zero-k is a game of army management where if you build the right counters you win. Zero-k is a many great deal of things that isolating 'how to win' is basically impossible, because the reasons that a player or team wins can change from game to game.

Everyone loves to give advice to other players how to play better, and everyone loves saying what the best strategy in the game is. There is no one definitive answer to the 'best strategy' when we're talking about what units beat what other units. For example, reavers beat glaives because they have a high damage AOE, but glaives can beat reavers that are isolated by fanning out and closing the gap while avoiding the AOE damage. You cannot simply spam reavers to beat glaive spam. But glaive spam only works against reaver spam for a couple of key reasons- having more glaives and having better positioning. Positioning is solved by micro. building more reavers is solved by macro.

A lot of players have some problems with macro, and they say that a unit is uncounterable not because it is uncounterable, but because they have failed in the economic game and cannot field any counters. Just because you can make 1 reaver, doesn't mean you can stop 10 glaives. When you're drip droping on 14m/s early game or even later on, you can't just say a 2000 metal Grizzly is OP because it kills your 3 scorchers. Having a strong economy is the best assistant to fighting the enemy by allowing you to field a reasonable counter.

People have trouble conceptualizing how strong economies are in zero-k and how it impacts military might. Very often, it's better to just build more mexes than to reinforce your territory with static defenses. Instead of defending some outlying mexes from enemy raiders, you can try and kill more of their mexes. Without an economy, your enemy cannot field counters to your units, and you can just roll them over with cheep spam that moves fast and deals high damage. https://zero-k.info/Battles/Detail/709266 in this game I gave my ally advice: 'Naked expand untill 40m/s then work from there' and that sums up a great economic strategy.

Give tips about how players could think about the economy.
+9 / -0

5 years ago
Zero-K is a simple game. All you have to do is:

- Keep your constructors tasked at all times
- Relentlessly expand to build more metal extractors
- Build more energy to match your metal income
- Build more buildpower to match your metal income
- Build radar everywhere so you have vision over the map
- Build defense towers in threatened locations
- Don't overbuild defenses where they're not needed

- Watch the strategic map
- Know where the visible enemies are
- Guess where the non-visible enemies are
- Know or guess what the enemy unit composition is
- Change your factory orders to build the appropriate counter-composition

- Know where your units are and what they are doing at all times
- Keep your army in motion
- Attack ruthlessly where you have the advantage
- Retreat hastily where you are at a disadvantage
- Send the right army composition against the enemy composition
- Micromanage individual battles so that:
- Riots attack raiders
- Skirmishers attack riots
- Raiders attack skirmishers
- Assaults and artillery attack defenses
- Everyone attacks constructors and economy

- Scout early to spot an all-or-nothing play
- Scout often to see when enemy plans are changing
- Build the appropriate counters to whatever plan is afoot
- Be prepared for an enemy switch to air
- Build air defense as soon as it is needed, but no sooner
- Switch to air when the enemy gives you breathing room
- Don't switch to air once he builds air defense

- Send constructors to reclaim wrecks after winning battles
- Build more constructors to expand faster
- Build more constructors to reclaim faster
- Build more constructors to replace the ones you lose
- Rebuild metal extractors when you lose them
- Keep building more energy to overdrive your metal extractors

Do all of the above simultaneously and you'll be victorious! Nothin' to it.
+17 / -0
- Be Godde
+5 / -0

5 years ago
Be a natural
+0 / -0

5 years ago
I often try give tips during team games and it helps, and those who reject them usually are new and offended or just not a team spirited player, these are not strategy tips as every one has their own and your not gonna change that with a single label. Most common things to remind I find is.

Mexes, nearly every game I have to point out a few mexes left uncapped..
cap/recap mexes asap, always. This make a difference!

Get available mexes asap before considering huge energy overdrive.

Don't suicide, sending the wrong army into all die and feed enemy metal, get support or correct counters before attack, retreat is always an option

Starting factories and placement of players, get this right and your already half way to winning. Ensure air player and spread of skills along the map. Ensure enough players start front, push expand from the start

Get some light aa, even if you air teammate looks comfortable getting some light aa will further help save you from enemy air and it will assist your air player in winning engagements. 1razor or a few pickets all your need. It will deter.

Some little ones: always shield your berthas, get grid up only after a some reasonable energy - pylons are waste without actual energy, no storage spam, radar on front line always, air scout base - try to get a patrolling owl on front line - you may not need that anti nuke. Support falling flanks (falling flanks can be great if U win them back and gain lots of reclaim, games are often lost because a flank has attacked too deep, too early, only to be all lost after backup arrives..nom nom).

For 1v1 is much different.. yes just be godde

+2 / -0
5 years ago
I think I'm going to start giving all my units to the person with the highest rank in the game. What could go wrong?
+1 / -0

5 years ago
In all seriousness here we go

TIP: Build Your Factory FIRST with your commander since it is instantly placed and then expand your economy with him.

1) Always build a constructor OR a scout/raider type unit. These should be the FIRST 2 units you make ideally.

2) Send scout/raider to scout to see what factory the enemy has and/or potentially harass enemy metal extractors or constructors

3) Have constructor start expanding your economy

4) Start building raider type/fast attack units unless the enemy is rushing a riot unit or their commander( this is what the scout was for) in which case start making skirmishers or defenses if they will be getting close to your base. During the game keep an eye on what units you come across in your fights and make appropriate counter units.

5) Have the raider units either DEFEND your constructor and commander that are expanding AND/OR attack/attempt to harass enemy eco/constructors

TIP: The goal is to continue expanding your economy throughout the game while slowing down the enemies expansion, once you outdo their economy decently the game will go heavily in your favor usually

6) Make some caretakers for every 10 metal once you pass 15-20 metal. Additionally have a couple constructors coming from the fac occasionally to reclaim or help build eco.

7) Around 25-30 metal income make a second factory, preferably airplanes in order to rush 5-6 ravens to either snipe enemy commander, enemy fac(atleast 6 ravens if they have caretakers), or snipe enemy caretakers or large power producing structures

Tip: Always have a bit more energy then metal and try to connect metal extractor points to energy grids in order to boost their metal income, this is called overdriving and is very useful for generating extra metal

Tip: Try to reclaim dead units as quickly as you can for that metal boost and to deny the enemy from reclaiming it

Tip: Try to harass or "Distract" the enemy often in order to try and expand while keeping them pre-occupied

Tip: Make 1 Lotus nearby groups of Metal Extractors in order to provide some possible defense
+5 / -0

5 years ago
While I agree with the OP (macro is fundamental and most of the times it can decide games, like in most of the rts) , I found myself struggling with strategic choices and managed to lose games having eco advantage but poor tactical decisions. I've lost to constant raiding and to sneaky attacks into my base many many times. Another thing new players can have trouble with , is making the right units for the situation. In the beginning it's very hard to know all the counters and sometimes I still have doubts , after 650 games , which unit is best in a specific situation. And , speaking about units , I still have troubles figuring out how many units of a certain types you need to kill another kind of unit .
+1 / -0

5 years ago
took me over 700 games to realize the counter to most situations, just keep grinding
+1 / -0

5 years ago
Learn how to build mexes, solars and raiders. Learn how to micro raiders. Congratulations, you're now in the top 20!
+3 / -0
5 years ago
"Send constructors to reclaim wrecks after winning battles"

if you have good micro you should send a few of them during an attack.. reclaiming as you take losses on an approach

i find i loose less cons this way.. if my army is dead i have recovered allot of metal and can retreat cons before enemy reinforcements fill the hole.. but if i send my cons after a battle they tend to get cleaned up forcing me to throw in more troops to defend them.
+3 / -0

5 years ago
Convict and Welder composition are too strong/ideal for frontline, offering refuge against incoming raiders and protection to retreating friendly unit, doing extra the great job except for reclaiming metal income and repairing. Also if mix in with a few constable, this composition can be too strong.

I see the mix have made the Con+Stinger+Faraday push ideal - reclaim and rebuild at same time, if opponents don't produce enough AoE arty, they hardly able to push back.

Send cons to front following the troop, convict also refilling shield while repairing low hp units - all shield units have low enough HP, make repairing fast. Too powerful shieldbot. Nerf them

Why Faraday? Properly deployed Faraday is good counter to raider, any low-hp-retreating units and shadow, if you don't want your shadow stunned to Faraday AoE EMP, don't attack together. Well, may there are no stardusts around when shadow stunned by faraday.
+0 / -0
Here's my short manual on how to win teamgames 6v6+

1) Talk your allies into assisting a fencer push
2) Pump fencers on repeat, walk into enemy base with your bros at your shoulder
3) Build porc on their ruins as they resign
4) Next game, they don't expect you to do this again because noone does that. Do it again.
5) Third game, they really don't expect you to keep being so silly and predictable. Rush fencers again.
6) Fourth game, either spectate, or rush Krow instead.
+7 / -0

5 years ago
Wrong! There is no way to win a team game.
This is because the balancer tries to enforce a probability of 50% for you to win.
On the long run, each player should stabilize at 50% won games in teams.
Otherwise, something must be wrong :-P
Trying to always win a team game means you always should play better than your current ranking,
which is "nearly impossible", I guess.
I think this system is super fair, as long as everyone behaves as expected by the balancer.
Experienced players should play better than new players.
But the probability of an experienced player to have a bad day is also non-negligible.
And then we have the new player playing better than expected, or playing randomly good and bad.
This system is soooo complex. My mind blew up. I need to play now!
+3 / -0

5 years ago
Really in big games if own 60% of the map, enemy eco will not save them in time. Unless your team grows complacent
+0 / -0

5 years ago
Very often players in a team determine which team will win simply because of playstyles.

Archetherial for example will rip the heart out of the opposing team if they don't guard their expansion properly ... but he's not really into eco himself. So he's going to work best with a team mate that pushes expansion and secures the frontline he's disrupted for the enemy. Blankmind likes tanks; I like porc with lots of caretakers and I find our playstyles mesh well because his tanks can spend much more time fighting if I can repair them quickly. Often you have to adapt your playstyle to the guys that you are playing with, as well as the guys that you are facing.

One thing that often seems to happen is that a team that seems heavily weighted in its favour, tends to assume they will win because of their higher elo and engages in whacky tactics ... while the other team of noobs expands fast and grab so much map that all the experience in the world isn't going to help.

Just some general observations.
+5 / -0

5 years ago
My view of how to win? Pin-point opponent's economy structure, Big Bertha or anything else easily to stop opponents production, either units or metal or energy. Let the front win once for all. Always scout for weakpoint.
+0 / -0
5 years ago
Pyrostasis "There is no way to win a team game.
This is because the balancer tries to enforce a probability of 50% for you to win.
On the long run, each player should stabilize at 50% won games in teams."

Yes. In a totaly unreleated and very popular multiplayer game i play we have random(!) 15 vs 15 teams and my win rate is around 53% after 14k games.
+1 / -0
Some things that help me in team games:

  • Don't have a bad attitude. If you talk about how badly your team is going to lose before the game starts, it doesn't make you look smart, it just makes you look like an asshole.
  • Don't engage with teammates with bad attitudes. If somebody says you suck, ask them for advice. If they don't give you any, it's probably because they don't know what you should be doing either. It doesn't make them look smart, it makes them look like an asshole. Ignore them, report them if they are particularly hateful.
  • Don't play team games when you know most of the players in the lobby have bad attitudes. This is the stuff losing streaks are made of.
  • If a teammate is struggling and you see what they need to do, help them out. Sometimes just saying "build riots" (without being condescending) is enough to make a big difference.
+1 / -0
hmm we are all winners if we play for fun
+2 / -0