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guys the promblem for zero-k to advance is that

19 posts, 1199 views
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Problem 1

we ourselves are , are own enemy we have promblems and all of us need to relax and let good things happen in zero-k i know a bunch of u will say negative things about me. but i gave good ideas and don't go and say to me we could done that before but none of u play those modes or do those things. u could have the ideas but the point is not to say who is first. pls guys i thought about them for months and no need to shove things in my face about u guys could of thought about it -_-. i have a lot of things in real world i apologize i do not want to offend any of u pls. see i have good ideas ;D have to work and can't post them.

i'm not becoming bad toward anybody oflameo and snugglebass say whatever they want -_-.

Problem 3

we can give armies some unique also. we always see green as our won color inside battle. lets give different colors with uniqes like our soldiers have an emblem of a hawk ont heir armor in the middle, they have a motor car in their armies armor. whatever factory they choose. u give them a standard or symbol inside thier bot factory they like. so zero-ka rmies can have unique things. if u like give normal players small things like eagles, lions, tigers and maybe some symbol to put on thier . to begin this process and players will be itnerested that they have a symbol they like lika a race car. the flag of thier country, the jpg they see in the internet and are allowed to put on thier bots. glaives, likhos and detriments u name the unit.

Problem 5: a new mode of battle i dubbed simcity

actaully just writen this gave me 8 or 9 more ideas.

it hit me a new mode for zero-k .

protect a city u make or energy field. yes for instance u have map and it has a city. this is for u map developers to build a map and put a city or a tower like structure and it's symbolises something. yes something like a small 3-d model. they use widget okay. u put this in your map and u place it wherever u like and the point is for the enemy to destroy that landmark. u protect it like u want. that way the landmark or small city can be protect. and it's fun for a team protect one thing and u put a timer it must be destroyed under 30 mins, 15 mins or 10 mins. speed attacks.

another form of this simcity is that u put a mode where the point is to make energy and metal. your task to make 100,000 of metal or 100,000 of energy. now this is a new idea i have guys this mode is called capitalism. make special storages that are buildt in this mode and this mode give u the ability to steal the other one' metal.

yes make new units or give units like amphs archer, the constable, the jack from jumpbots, and the hercules or charon the abillity to swoop down and get close and move one feet from this storages and they steal thier metal. gives player the rush when they use an iris to walk with constables in group and attack in suprise. u hit them with faradays build in cloaking shield close to the storages to suprise them -_-. or emp units like blitzes, rakkateers, or imps from claokies to hit defenses around this storages and take metal and energy. the robots can have a special glow or marker on thier heads meaning they stolen something. and they take to thier base to other storages. the point is stealing from your enemy. making a race type game.

Problem 8

it's time zero-k becomes more modern social media. yup have any of u heard about erepublik. we should build a small mini game like this in zero-k. make zero-k a little bit of erepublik. forget iron hearts too hard for programming. i mean we have planetwars and they are never used . we don't need something like sins of a solar empire very good for zero-k but too much work. the thing is to go slow and plant seeds to grow big trees ;D.

i don't want to make it too hard. giving small ideas. i'll give later art pics. but make a small game about economy and click and attack game where u have your avatars. u make countries and the purpose is that it's not about earth no more but in planet in the planet wars . one that archangel has. and our countries are communities on that planet. each community has a special powers and econmy build on the planet. and we can negotiate with clans and nations from our real worlds. we can for example use planet wars in this negociations in planet war where if one conquers worlds. u get money and economy and like another videgame where u buy your opponent and steal thier land u do the same thing swingle them. get hard cash and buy your opponent. make allainces with other clans but alnd on this planet. and make guilds. more post ont his so googlefrog can capitalize on this.

Problem 10: giving a planet wars invasion mini game

beside erupublik idea, give planet wars a small 2-d model wars mini game. like this

see this game small models great for planet wars a small mini game so players can invade a planet and make senses. the whole theater of war.

or liek this ;D

+2 / -0

5 years ago
+5 / -0
what who did this ? summarize while i was gone. look i seperated to make simple ideas. here are just small portion of the ideas. and yes i will make picturs so people will be happy. i don't put pics people need teleltubbies and that sort of thing -_-. and moji explain your gif because the jagaur fan that is losing represent u or me or what :O
+0 / -0

5 years ago
ok, serious and constructive to

Problem 3:

sounds like a good idea, but with the corrent grapics is going to lead to visual mess.
+0 / -0

5 years ago
how many times you read it?
+0 / -0
MXrankmoleculeman88 = https://zero-k.info/mediawiki/index.php?title=Tremor
+2 / -0
5 years ago
oh thank u i'm powerful as tremor finally something nice raar muito bem. amigo ;D. see that is constructive opinion not like kat who is painfully obstruct to give a good comment. oh wait he did at least that one on problem 3. try harder akt. someday you'll become a nice person.
+0 / -0
MXrankmoleculeman88 what does a tremor do? it shoots everywhere and barely hits the target.

I suggest thinking about all your ideas for zk and about which ones seem easiest to do and most effective at improving the game and focus on those.
+0 / -0
5 years ago
ohhh it was not a compliment. i see raar. u wrong tremor does more damage and is more effective than emissary and is more expensive. i value more than one draft made from raar. he's an emissary i made a lot of post but they cover more strategies and raar doesn't do than one post and talks about his stupid commander bot. all he know about. no no no it's hurtful but it won't take me down i've whipped u raar before and i'll whip anyday -_- fat european portugues. eu fala portueges noño. hmmph. your remark is pathetic.
+0 / -4

5 years ago
I don't agree with everything Moleculeman says but I have to tip my hat at his enthusiasm. I think its cool that somebody cares so much.
+3 / -0

5 years ago
Please make this conversation less personal.
+3 / -0
aquanim everybody is ganging up on me it's not fair. all i got is being kicked around, insulted kat only keeps insulting and not even was he giving constructive opinion in the beggining only now he does it now. those dover boys moji, kat, and snoke are against me and ganging up like they did on rooks vegan. just to me kick me out of the game. it's not fair mind u. if your gonna kick aqua it's not fair.
+0 / -0

aquanim everybody is ganging up on me it's not fair.

Hey, i'm not saying your suggestions are bad, just that they need to be more focused and explained in a way that's easier to understand. If you want people to respect your ideas, respect their time.

and you're not the only one that gets their suggestions dismissed or ignored.
+4 / -0
yes that´s my opinion as well. you even downvoted my apology toward you... All i said and meant is
that your stuff WAS hard to read and i had problems understanding it, i didn´t mean to insult you as a
You are a nice guy and i like how you care for the game.
+2 / -0
What!!! u apoligize the one i downvoted there was no sorry there ;D. nope someone has to teach u how to apoligize and if u want to learn that is just about saying sorry simple as that -_-. your flipping things on me saying that i'm attacking u when you said that i need a translater, when nothing i say is not understandable but u say negative things about it and yet u gave a positive response on promblem 3 and that's your apology your head needs to be checked kat XD. no wait u do understand kat -_- your arrogance is fatal i see. you didn't apologize at all. no no no your words are hurtful but the fact is u and snoke and moji are together. doing this things to other players instigate this actions so u can get them kicked.

something little whiny kids do -_- but googlefrog and aquanim know your antics and know u guys more time than i have. and u do this things but your not going to do it to me. i think kat u need to put small comment and actually say your sorry and after u finally put that and understand that's how u do it. and then say i'm a nice guy and never meant bad negative thinsg u wrote no no no u don't have to say i'm a nice guy.just write sorry then people will take u seriously in what u say. simple

+0 / -0

What!!! u apoligize the one i downvoted there was no sorry there ;D. nope someone has to teach u how to apoligize and if u want to learn that is just about saying sorry simple as that -_-. your flipping things on me saying that i'm attacking u when you said that i need a translater, when nothing i say is not understandable but u say negative things about it and yet u gave a positive response on promblem 3 and that's your apology your head needs to be checked kat XD. no wait u do understand kat -_- your arrogance is fatal i see. you didn't apologize at all. no no no your words are hurtful but the fact is u and snoke and moji are together. doing this things to other players instigate this actions so u can get them kicked.

something little whiny kids do -_- but googlefrog and aquanim know your antics and know u guys more time than i have. and u do this things but your not going to do it to me. i think kat u need to put small comment and actually say your sorry and after u finally put that and understand that's how u do it. and then say i'm a nice guy and never meant bad negative thinsg u wrote no no no u don't have to say i'm a nice guy.just write sorry then people will take u seriously in what u say. simple





then this regexp







What!!! U apologize the one I down voted there was no sorry there . Nope someone has to teach you how to apologize and if you want to learn that is just about saying sorry simple as that . You're flipping things on me saying that I'm attacking you when you said that I need a translater , when nothing I say is not understandable but you say negative things about it and yet you gave a positive response on problem 3 and that's your apology your head needs to be checked kat . No wait you do understand kat your arrogance is fatal I see. You didn't apologize at all. No your words are hurtful but the fact is you and snoke and moji are together. Doing these things to other players instigate this actions so you can get them kicked.

Something little whiny kids do but googlefrog and aquanim know your antics and know you guys more time than I have. And you do these things but your not going to do it to me. I think kat you need to put small comment and actually say your sorry and after you finally put that and understand that's how you do it. And then say I'm a nice guy and never meant bad negative things you wrote no no no you don't have to say I'm a nice guy. Just write sorry then people will take you seriously in what you say. Simple

You can achieve more respectful syntax of your text. Writing more respectful semantics is up to you. Writing in messy manner leaving others to decipher what you meant is not respecting their time and "something little whiny kids do" (not sure if they do but it surely seems childish).
+1 / -0

5 years ago
Punctuation, formatting, and grammar is important. I have noticed myself skimming over difficult-to-read posts on occasion. It's just a fact that people are less prone to read text if it is difficult to read.
+1 / -0
5 years ago
Should I start translating his posts?
+1 / -0
5 years ago
no need weylin kat got what i meant to say that is all ;D.
+0 / -0