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Never change, ZK.

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5 years ago
+6 / -0

5 years ago
+6 / -0
this is a hard situation for players.. 1 nuke silo is ok.. but helping another player make a silo does not get you kills.. quite often i have seen a front-line Cerberus and thought oh thats 50% complete so helping to finish it is ~ in-effect a cheap Cerberus for me.. however if i finish it his score will go up and my score will go down.. he will look like he has lifted team to victory and i will look like i failed to make kills..

i wish the game gave a % of the damage delt based on the % of the cost you payed.. so if i make 1/2 a nuke it should give 1/2 its score to me.. and if i give it then i forfeit that score to the person who receives it.. but thats probably allot of extra expensive code

i played a game and helped firepluck finish his krow and then realized his massive end game score belonged to his whole team.. but he acted like he was the reason for victory because the end game score line did not reflect the communal efforts

the right thing to do is to work together.. but most acts of teamwork are never reflected in the end game graph which leads to situations where the player who makes a zenith thinks he did well.. even though his team protected him with a diminished front-line force probably at huge disadvantage and a measly score.. if i get pwned because im fighting outnumbered vs enemy units while my allies are making a detriment

but the detriment wins then the crappy score i have from desperately defending the back-line is overshadowed by the massive damage spike they have from the detri..

TLDR: imho the score at the start and middle of game reflects the MVP not the end score spike that often overtakes the sacrifices those players made.. not to mention the invisible contributions of assisting.. teamwork is invisible allot of the time and this leads to players fighting over who makes the silo
+3 / -0

5 years ago
Needs a trophy for assisted healing and repair at least.
+7 / -0

5 years ago
Please don't be that guy.
+12 / -0
5 years ago
(south resigned btw)
+0 / -0

5 years ago
but he acted like he was the reason for victory because the end game score line did not reflect the communal efforts

Who cares what he thinks? If you already know your value in game even its just assisting then its enough. Of course if you play just to get points then its different. However in Firepluk case even he sometimes admits that someody played very well. And when he does it, its biggest award possible in this game. Not always he is taking all credit himself.

+1 / -0
5 years ago
That's a sharp observation, Smoke. That is pretty much the reason I don't like super-weapon rushes. It makes for fairly boring play to play with the metal disadvantage the whole game and then win because someone made an "I win" button.
+1 / -0

5 years ago
Dats is why i like play in mumble clan with communication. We are selfless lubsters who will help each other to rush singus and supweps for glorious victory.
Dats why i liked play with DErankChesti.
-Hey give me caretaker or con for assist!-
+2 / -0

5 years ago
I don't like super-weapon rushes.

I don't like them because very low rank players can start spam it from start and win game. And same with nuke. Or strider in some maps. And even with singu when team lowest rabk player gives his team victory because he build great economy for team. But such are lobster pots and dats sometimes make them enjoyable.
+2 / -0
On the flip side, though, building a super weapon (excluding meteors/DRP/detriment) isn't necessarily a half bad contribution for a very new player with a bit of guidance. IME, it can also be a good way to get new players excited to improve their skills for future games. Sadly, instead of suggesting to players that something's a bad idea, reaction to new players building super weapons is often just flamy for the sake of being flamy, and dissuades players from learning. Even sadder is that the same folk who flame new players are the same folk who build super weapons early.
+1 / -0
hmm chaplol i agree if a grey rank makes a super and does not feed the enemy a suicide move rally of tremors i guess thats good by default..


but im almost inclined to think that factories should have fight command be the default set rally point option
if these new players dont learn to fight with units.. spreading them and retreating or attacking weak points.. and for godde sake reclaiming they will be forever dependent on rushes to bridge the ever growing skill gap

+0 / -0
5 years ago
Right - I'm more speaking towards the to player's initial reaction of flipping out every time they see a new player building a super weapon. They're usually correct to take action to get the new player to stop lobbin', but that action is excessively aggressive 90% of the time.

You're right to say that it sets somewhat of a precedent for those new players, though I think that kinda evens itself out a couple times once the new player learns that waiting 10m for a single unit is boring and usually accomplishes nothing.
+1 / -0
5 years ago
But I'm probably wrong, since, well.... that screenshot.
+0 / -0
5 years ago
Screaming at people tends to make them double down rather than listening to you. Its human nature, nobody likes being bossed around.

Its better to just calmly tell people what the're doing is a bad idea an suggest an alternative. Unfortunately many vets have no such general civility.
+2 / -0
5 years ago
+1 / -0
5 years ago
, in that situation make a couple newtons and yeet the reclaiming units away

+0 / -0
5 years ago
it would be great if units being rezzed cant also be reclaimed by allies
+1 / -0

5 years ago
OMG I was in that game and those two made me R A G E so hard LOL.

We would 100% have steamrolled that game if Firepluk and Kabudasa had just made units and fought. Or even if they had rushed a single nuke together. We may still have had a flicker of hope if the first nuke had hit the frontline and wiped out an enemy army instead of the enemy backline. Sooooooo frustrating.

Maybe I get too involved :/
+0 / -0
5 years ago
heh heh.. im so happy firepluck exists.. idk why but i love that guy and his rage inducing antics =D

pls never change firepluck because i would get dizzy and confused

imagine if firepluck played completely normal O.o it would be like he had died.. and i would stare up at the sky and wonder what became of him
+0 / -0
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