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AI Bug...? - building solars in restricted space

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4 years ago
I just spotted a detriment-worth of units built up in a game I spectated earlier today on Banana Republic. The AI had built two solars and some lotus turrets to completely lock down the bottom-left corner, where their main factory was located. As a result, the AI was spending enormous resources to build up a swarm that wasn't getting used.

This behavior is obviously beyond what one might expect to account for in AI development, but still, it was humourous. Perhaps though, in this and other situations where the AI has built a factory and many units that are piling up, it might trigger the use of transports? have it trigger a high-priority task of building a gunship factory and some Hercules transports to build a ferry system. Just a thought.

I'd post an image if I could, but I don't know how to upload one just for this post.
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4 years ago
lol yeah ai have poor overview.. the ai wins mostly by being fast not smart =P..
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4 years ago
interestingly i think you could make a better ai by optimizing the ai to rush more.. and rush harder since speed is its best bet at killing a human
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4 years ago
If you want the ai to win against every human then you push for the most advanced and sophisticated strategies and push micro to the limits. Generally the best of the best humans will last out the longest, or are able to consistently find the weak pressure points to win, but for the average and not so good players? They get sweapt away in the currents so easily. Then AI building philosophy evolves to 'make a challenging ai for as many people as possible' where you cater not to the best of the best, but rather the average and sub-par, making difficulty levels and approaching general behaviors to make the ai predictable and consistent, at many skill levels, so instead of optimizing for winning you optimize for a human close win etc.

I've seen the ai so this too, on storm siege. It plops vehicles on the hill portion and faces the fac to a cliff. I'm surprised that there's even enough room for more nanoframes tbh.
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