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More White Dragons Please ?

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12 years ago
Iv been playing a lot of chicken games and love fighting multiple white dragons.
Is there an easy way to set the multiply number for them anywhere ?
I cant see anything in custom settings but that dosnt mean its not there.
Its fun in multi player getting a dragon each and rushing in to kill them.

I think chickens need a little tweak like maybe changing the slope settings for the basic chicken.
It seams a little wrong that one player on there own can defeat suicidal chickens by using terraformed turrets.
I dont think I could have survived that if 5 dragons had attacked.
I would loved to have tried though.

I just cant help thinking Suicidal should be unbeatable.
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12 years ago
there should be an unbeatable chicken mode that doesn't end
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12 years ago
Make an impossible mode (a chicken mode that godde can't beat)
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12 years ago
Terraform is sort of 'cheating' in chickens, and should probably be disabled.
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12 years ago
>Make an impossible mode (a chicken mode that godde can't beat)

What if it's actually a game with Godde controlling the chickens?
+0 / -0
12 years ago
you mean games like this: http://zero-k.info/Battles/Detail/69578
+0 / -0
extract goddes brain nomnomnom and implement a piece into every single chicken?

+0 / -0
If anyone can show me that Suicidal is beaten more than occasionally (like >20% of the time) I could just raise the difficulty. (Fun fact: it used to have two dragon waves)

On White Dragons: Hmm...maybe I should give them jump.
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