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ZeroWars v2.0.7

By petturtle

made for zero-k
Size: 16 x 6


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4 years ago
because there's always people asking, im going to say it here.
you gets metal everytime your wave spawns, the metal vaule you get are equal to your energy income, you can see how fast it paysback when you hover over the unit.(in the factory build queue menu)
+2 / -0

4 years ago
If you feel the need to post it here like that, then the mechanic is probably too opaque.
+0 / -0

4 years ago
ZW is great, but lacking depth because unit settings are broken, as hard as it may be please make unit settings transfer to battle field.

Wave cost suggestions:

Wdragon: increase
impaler: decrease \ or remove
tiamat: increase
blimpy: increase
jack: increase
mace: decrease
minatour: decrease (or fix stupid retreat)
crabe: increase
new spider laser thing: decrease
skyth: decrease
bomber (shadow): decrease
swift: make shoot ground?
nebula: decrease
roach (maybe decrease, if they not retreat to half the units)
domix (decrease)

feel free to crituqe

+0 / -0

4 years ago
ZW is great, but lacking depth because unit settings are broken, as hard as it may be please make unit settings transfer to battle field.

If you disable the Unit Start State widget then the state toggles won't be overridden. This isn't a fundamental limitation, it's just that USrankPetTurtle hasn't blocked these commands yet. Alternately, you can use Unit Start State to set more state toggles than you would usually be able to.
+0 / -0

4 years ago
Apparently, if you set the spawning units to retreat on low health, they may retreat back to the base when damaged. I would love to have an option to either have a builder hero, who would have the ability to repair friendly units, or to give the nexus and/or the turret the ability to repair nearby units. I would also love to see the Airpad repair speed to be upgraded, as in team games, people usually do something to make planes repair faster. Those updates are not necessary, however.
+0 / -0

4 years ago
wave costs suggestions updated:

Wave cost suggestions:

Wdragon: increase
impaler: decrease \ or remove
tiamat: increase
blimpy: increase
jack: increase
*Mace: keep same
minatour: decrease (or fix stupid retreat)
crabe: increase
new spider laser thing: decrease
skyth: decrease
bomber (shadow): decrease
swift: make shoot ground?
nebula: decrease
roach (maybe decrease, if make so not retreat to half the units)
*Dagger: increase
*domix: keep same
+0 / -0

2 years ago
Future Wars is now compatible with ZeroWars starting in v0.30.15.
+3 / -0

2 years ago
ohh waw
+0 / -0
The Nexus (or how it's called, the main base tower) will need a buff in that case, FW units are waay too strong for it. And heroes will need a buff too. Would it be possible to have FW commanders as ZW heroes unknownrankShaman?
+1 / -0
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