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Amph v Ship

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4 years ago
Hover v Ship seems a bit weak for hover, but playable/

I just played a good handful of amph games on the current Sea map, and I simply could not win. Because Siren now is a brawler, and bouy cannot hit fast units, and a number things have meshed together to where I just feel like its not really winnable for the factory.

I am not seeing amph as playable in water maps at the moment.

Archer beats hunter slightly, but is radically slower.
Duck beats corsair because corsair cannot retaliate, but duck loses pretty heavily to hunter.
Scallop seems powerful, but is very slow, and not very long range.

Now, admittedly, its more important for the land balance to be fine, and I think much of these could be reduced by giving Sparkles Reef a bit more ability to walk up some mountainous areas for amph, but I dont think it can get entirely there off of it.

Some mild nerfs to corsair might be in order, but I am also quite curious about other's opinions at the moment.
+1 / -0
Sea beating amph is how things should be, given that sea can't go anywhere else, while amph is also fully viable on pure land maps.

Amph should need to exploit its ability to go onto land to beat sea.

That being said, you didn't mention bulkhead. In the current meta they feel pretty essential for amphs to have a fighting chance against ships.
+2 / -0

4 years ago
My senses tell me that Siren, whilst having moved in the right direction, is a little too strong for cost.
+0 / -0
4 years ago
Uhm.. amph regen? you can heal, they cant. And yes theres the walking on land thingy, i agree that ship fac should be superior in strengh since ships cant walk on land #BringKnifeToAGunFight.
+1 / -0
Archer beats hunter slightly, but is radically slower.

Archer is part riot, this feels appropriate.

Duck beats corsair because corsair cannot retaliate, but duck loses pretty heavily to hunter.

This is hard for amph to win in open water, but hunters can't shoot on land - maneuvers are key here.

According to the stats, the two factories are about even. I think amph is at a disadvantage in open water, but they have a lot of tools to tip the balance, including regen, land walking, submerging...

Might need to see some replays to deternine if corsair or siren is the culprit.
+0 / -0

4 years ago
Lobster is the big equalizer here. Embrace jank, join the circus.

According to the stats, the two factories are about even. I think amph is at a disadvantage in open water, but they have a lot of tools to tip the balance, including regen, land walking, submerging...

Which stats?
+0 / -0
4 years ago
Submerging and the entire surface-seafloor mechanic is one of most infuriating things for amph. It is a big weakness. Units are essentially stunlocked during their transition, and cant do nothing. Considerable shortfall.
+0 / -0