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Eastern China V 2.1

By offnem & sevillanas

first map made with sevillanas, is an attempt at making china with accurate resources as well
Size: 16 x 16


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2 years ago
this is the most updated version of the china map, i reuploaded it because the other one got the downloads stopped for some reason...
+0 / -0

2 years ago
Some comments:

6 m/s mexes are very fun, but effects player incentive on overdrive. Cutting out the math, it's very efficient to spam many singus, meaning there's a multiplier effect instead of an additive effect when you increase base mex income.

A lot of mexes are not on level ground, which means players need to do something to manually teraform the ground to build mexes. This was a "recent" change to the slope of ground mexes can be built on.

There seems to be no land to water transitions. Hovers and amph bots can't traverse the sheer cliffs at the boundry between land and sea. It would be nice to have some transition ramps, maybe at modern or historical coastal cities.

I've seen you post asking for map making help on the forums. Hopefully someone's pointed you at the wiki, or some other resources. I'm not a map maker my self, so I don't have real advice, but you can ask around on the #zkmap channel on discord perhapse. https://discord.gg/zero-k-278805140708786177 You can do a search like "has: link in: zkmap" and find many links to examples of maps or map making resources over the months.
+1 / -0
2 years ago
yah, i saw these issues, some of the mexes not being on ground level was a balance choice to help with the large amount of mexes to add historical accuracy, however, their output was a mistake, when making the metal map, we miss read the guide and made 6x6 pixel circles, which we didnt know that size determened the metal output... and the height map was also a first, my friend who made it couldn't figure out how to use the gradient tool and didnt make a smooth coastline... i would fix these changes but i have uploaded this map to many times to complete that
+1 / -0
2 years ago
best i can do is simply keep my mistakes in mind for my next map ideas
+0 / -0
2 years ago
if i could delete the older versions i would update the issue but idk how to
+0 / -0

2 years ago
The mexes are fixable via lua. Check out the configs under luarules in base game. There should be some examples there somewhere.
+1 / -0
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