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Help with AI patch

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2 years ago
I'd like to patch brutal AI to be able to use artillery (or nukes?) when humans camp in a corner. Can anyone point me in the right direction in terms of :
1. what the AI should do
2. how to actually implement it (i.e. where the AI code is etc).
+2 / -0

2 years ago
There is a response.json file in the ciruit directory

you can change how much and with what priority circuit responds with artillery to static defences. By default it is fairly conservative, just pump those numbers
+0 / -0
Do tell me more, I'm interested in making some profiles for FW. I'd love to know how to get circuit to commorph or make silo.
+0 / -0
We are talking about brutal??? Can you show me a game where someone porks a corner and lives long enough to actually win?
I mean, I approve of your endeavour, but everytime I pork against Brutal AI it definitely makes artillery (and nukes after some time).
+0 / -0

2 years ago
1. what the AI should do

Execute a Swift scoutwave, find a good reasonably safe position for a silo, and systematically hit everything that costs more than the tacnukes needed to kill it. Then also get a nuke and stun antis with shox.

2. how to actually implement it (i.e. where the AI code is etc).

rlcevg/CircuitAI on github

You can of course try to tune it with the config file like Ivory suggests but the only way to teach itentirely new tricks is with actual code.
+0 / -0

2 years ago
Execute a Swift scoutwave, find a good reasonably safe position for a silo, and systematically hit everything that costs more than the tacnukes needed to kill it. Then also get a nuke and stun antis with shox.

Imagine a specialized AI that does that, and only that. Well, maybe mix in glaive spam as a defensive measure. Then its tacnuke launchers everywhere combined with constant scouting and crazy micro.
+0 / -0

2 years ago
The thing it cant handle is terraform, not pork afaik...
+0 / -0
Thanks for the advice!
The game that prompted me to look into this is below http://zero-k.info/Battles/Detail/1495547

As you can see the players should be dead, but for some reason they lived, way longer than they had any right to, with AI just feeding metal to them over and over again. Eventually AIs get ground into dust despite having 3x eco at some point.

Thanks USrank[GBC]1v0ry_k1ng, I'll poke around at the config see if "low cost" solution can be applied. As for using silos that may actually be somewhat hard to do well. But building BB's and leveling pesky humans into oblivion when faced with pork - that could be somewhat easy =)
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