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tactical mistakes:

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2 years ago
tactical mistakes:

please start all sentinces vauge so we dont name and shame players..

..i have seen a guy..

build ddm in base
blow his own troll com in his own snitch
kill his own com with lance (me)
+0 / -0

2 years ago
I once saw a guy build a singu right in the middle of the enemy's base.
+1 / -0
2 years ago
that cant be real tho.. thats just the part when you have been playing with a dead enemy and have 30 cons in enemy base
+0 / -0
2 years ago
heres a few:

Coms/units in front of SL
drawing alt + F line with nux without intention to actually launch
Forgetting to press S on scylla after issueing fireing order on a unit
thinking detis performance lives up to his price tag
shooting reef missile at jack jumping into allied shield ball
building caretaker next to cloaktower
underestimateing the slow effect
crowding merlins too close together
enableing overkill prevention on Chainsaw
screw ups with "avoid bad targets"
flying into a gravity guns range
building many singus but not connecting as many mexes as posssible to grid
keeping snitches near allied units
forgetting that different missile tyes have different trajectories and travel times
launching multiple missiles at once at multiple shields
not haveing a backup anti
"want there a ulti somewhere around here?"
not knowing how to dante vs cyclo
windmills as cloak/shield-bot player
trusting the pathfinding ai
bb within tac nuke range
trusting the targeting ai of lance/phantom
moveing cloaked ogres near terraformed mexes
trusting your teammates to do their jobs
rezzing SL under water
seeing a unit called "Glint" lying on the ground
terrforming in front of porc
swarming enemys within cerb range
moveing army within enemy singu/adv geo blast radius (ctrll + d)
issueing bombing orders across the map
underestimateing Artemis
+3 / -0
2 years ago
flying into allied zenith beam
keeping the default Artemis stockpile size
+0 / -0
2 years ago
I once saw a guy build a singu right in the middle of the enemy's base.

Did this once against a player who refused to resign and dug their commander in the corner. Dug a hole right next to it with a singu, just far enough where they couldn't see it without terraforming back up. Ctrl-d'd it and finished the match :D
+2 / -0
2 years ago
"I once saw a guy build a singu right in the middle of the enemy's base. "
thats not a mistake, offensive singu ftw :-)

Seriously though, not understanding that the enemy can self d singus or more often advgeo. can be a serious tactical mistake. just because you arent shooting at it doesnt mean it wont explode...Flipside of this is understanding they have value as nuclear mines as well E prod. Think about violetrampartsgen. I always upgrade the outer geos, even though they are vulnerable, simply because it means noone can attack from that side without giving of a bit fat warning.
+0 / -0
2 years ago
Saw this tons of times in the last few week and it is a critical one, thoug perhaps more strategic then tactical.

Not taking teamsize into account teamsize!

A 16v16 is still kinda similar to a 10v10. But 5v5 to 2v2 are a different beast all together. Thats because in large enough teams al necessary tasks(eco prod, and im not talking about singus but mexxes and basic E, radar and most importantly claiming territory in the beginning) eventually get done by someone. But in a 2v2/5v5 scenario EVERYONE needs to build mexxes and push a bit, so that awesome "I go lance right away then snatch coms from the frontline" that might be a good strat in 16v16 just fails in 5v5.

Another strategic mistake/misunderstanding I commonly saw the last few weeks is thinking that the strength of palarushes has much to do with the unit itself, whereas in truth 90%of the power comes from actually getting people to work on the strategy together(seems to be correct response to pala rush would be to just rush 10 lances instead, oneshot the pala then move on, alas that requires some more coordination...).
+3 / -0

2 years ago
I have seen the construction of coals units that eventually decloak because they didn't build energy(along with excessing metal cause energy being spent on cloak)
+2 / -0
2 years ago
not building energy is something even the pros sometimes forget.. not saying you ^ and some units use allot of energy too.. cloaked units like widdows
+0 / -0
"keeping the default Artemis stockpile size "


why it so high lol those are expencive =P
artemis is dead before it ever use stockpile.. artemis is always like "come kill me im annoying!!!"
+0 / -0
2 years ago
* Coms/units in front of SL

Did that one just two days ago :-D
+0 / -0
2 years ago
1 im seeing a lot in team is players building excess builders/caretakers around their base than what their income can supply meaning they are spending metal on stuff that can't even fight

also ogres will now auto attack mexes they can't see, even if it's not taken.

my worst one is tac-nuking a artemis only to fly bombers in to its range and be killed as the nuke had hit a dirt pylon in line with the lancher and aa.
+1 / -0