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single player game ends at start

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12 years ago
Hi noob here, appologies for repeating any existing posts but i cant find any matching.

The single player game ends after selecting the commander type. It seems as though the bot is on the same side as the player. When adding bots ive tried different AIs and ally numbers, i cant seem to change the side of the bot.

im using sping lobby 0.144, zero-k under fedora16 with an ati radeon HD 2500 card.

Any suggestions as to what im doing wrong?
+0 / -0

12 years ago
Did you add either CAI or Chickens? Other bots probably won't work.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
Both CAI and Chickens fail in the same way as the other AIs ive tried. Have no idea what is the problem :(

Is their a game log file somewhere that may put some light on this?
+0 / -0
12 years ago
Hi there! Just tried to get in contact with you through the lobby. I use springlobby on linux too.

The singleplayer tab is pretty simple so I'm at a loss regarding what's wrong.

You haven't got the spectator box checked, have you?
+0 / -0
12 years ago
spectator and random positions unchecked
+0 / -0
12 years ago
Ok, ive managed to find some useful info in the 'ingame command window' thing, it says ...
-could not load mod and/or general config file. For further info see config file under: ./spring/AI/Skirmish/AAI/0.9/log/AAI_log_team_0.txt
-Warning: AI for team 0 (ID 0) failed handling event with topic1, error:1
-Skirmish AI "Bot1" (ID:), which controlled team 0 is now dead
-Game 0ver: Destroying alliance 1
-Team 0 is no more
-Team 0 wins!


if a commander is selected it exits, if i do nothing it exits after a few seconds. I think it was joking about canceling aut0quit

I am at a total loss how to solve this or even why it is happening :(
ive changed certain words in this post as the server thinks they are dangerous
+0 / -0

12 years ago
That's AAI. Try CAI or Chickens again and provide the error-message you get from them.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
the log files it refers to are blank 0byte files
other AIs tried also have same files, except CAI, which still crashes out just without the errors in the output
+0 / -0
12 years ago
when using CAI

skirmish AI "BOT1" took control team1
wind range 0-2.5
terraforming cost multiplyer=1
player i choose battle commander
commanders remaining =1

game exits
only questions remain
+0 / -0
12 years ago
chicken does the same. ive only tried the very easy one, assuming difficulty is just a setting in it
+0 / -0
You should have something like infolog.txt with log information in it in your Spring folder.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
Also try updating Springlobby.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
infolog.txt dosent have anything in it about the crash. a copy below, sorry server wont allow it

im using lobby version 0.144 which is the one currently available via the fedora repository rpmfusion. Unless i build v0.147 from source? :(

+0 / -0
There is no need to build it from source. Launch spring from konsole. spring simple as that, and add bots choose map should works at least works for me. Maybe feodora splits AI's in diferent package or something?

Hmm seems like cais is not appearing this way try to add skirmisher:null ai. It does nothing but it really wont crash, then we will know where problem is.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
thanks, it crashed after comm selection with nullAi, terminal output was

[f=0000220] Error: Segmentation fault (SIGSEGV) in spring 88.0 (OMP)
[f=0000220] Error: Stacktrace:
[f=0000220] Error: <0> [0xbb9400]
Segmentation fault (core dumped)

Any suggestions please
+0 / -0
12 years ago
Have no idea... but this is probably engine related not zero-k, you need to talk to spring devs/bugreport it. And somehow I have feeling if you would compile spring engine this would go away. Just feeling :)

Also just now saw ATI HD 2500 card... spring dont really likes ATI cards :/, try setting everything on lowest. Even recompile probably wont help. And by the way it happens only in singleplayer games? if yes that would mean its AIs problem weird weird.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
this is the closest to an answer ive found


so in summary it seems the options are
- compile from source :(
- get a new GPU :(
- give up singleplayer and get spanked online :\
+0 / -0
12 years ago
just tried to spectate online and guess what... it crashed, just the same as normal

im genuinely pissed off with this
+0 / -0
12 years ago
try other GPU drivers if exist I m actually no expert at this and dont know people with ATI cards(there is plenty of linux ppl here just ask in game whoever uses linux) and I m using debian testing + nvidia so no problems for me.

Since you can read(advices probably too) people wont blame you too much and you can go online straight from start.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
Are you using the open-source Radeon drivers? If so, I would recommend switching to the proprietary one, as it will work much better for 3D gaming.
+0 / -0
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