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10 months ago
Can I have an explanation as to why I got kicked by AUrankAdminAquanim after B1901573?


This is all I typed to him...
+0 / -0
That screenshot leaves out the first thing you said. I admit the whole does add up to "being a annoying nuisance" rather than "verbal abuse". But USrankLogix at some point you have got to learn to stop running your mouth.

+0 / -1

10 months ago
On a different note, that TB at 94% died just as it was activating its ability and as it started to roll over and fall, it kept shooting disarm lightning.

Wild. I don't think I've ever seen that before. While spinning it was shooting it straight up towards the sky.
+0 / -0
10 months ago
Just based on what I can see here, I feel like a kickvote not a mod kick would have been better. IMO mod powers should only be used for more serious trolling, to avoid the perception that the mod is using the power for personal reasons or preferences.
+2 / -0
Yet, at some point, acting like a serial nuisance causes you to be treated like a serial nuisance. USrankLogix, the answer to your question is that you are on thin ice, yet keep trying to push the boundaries. It's up to you to solve that.

AUrankAveragePlan, judging when you have no context, and when you are not responsible for dealing with USrankLogix, is much easier than being an actual moderator. But it is not useful. There is a time for community feedback on moderation standards, but it is not when you just pop into a complicated ongoing issue (@Logix) without even watching the game.

+5 / -1