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Buff jumpbots

11 posts, 555 views
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4 months ago
This post has been downvoted below -5 and collapsed, click here to expand
I feel that jumpbots are very weak in the current meta, as they get easily countered by factories like spider factory. Also, jumpbots are rarely played anymore. Finally, their artillery and assault (firewalker and jack, respectively) are quite underwhelming. Please buff jumpbot factory.
+1 / -11
4 months ago
The counter to spiders is Firewalker usually or Blackhole launcher.
+4 / -0
4 months ago
Not to mention, pyro is a nightmare to opponents early game.
+3 / -0

4 months ago
this is another joke post like the shieldbot one im guessing but firewalker is the best unit in the game
+3 / -0

4 months ago
skuttle stronk.
+3 / -0

4 months ago
@Logix road to -200
+0 / -0
4 months ago
@Logix better add an /s or </s> to posts like this in the future, so others understand you better
see Poe's Law
+0 / -0

4 months ago
Jokes aside, it could be fun to have a mod that buffs one specific factory to absurd levels, just to see what could have been.
Make Dantes absurdly effective!
Tanks with actually immortal tanks!
Gunship shredding everything, including anti-air!
+0 / -0
19 days ago

See here why jump bots are totally broke - especially in lobpot
+0 / -0
19 days ago
IDK where this is coming from. Jump is a hard counter to spiders.
+0 / -0
He was being heavily sarcastic. Everybody knows jump bots are the strongest factory. It just requires the most micro, but if you have the micro and knowledge, then jb wins every time. I think removing after-burn immunity from pyros would balance them well. I watch stingers fail to 1-shot somehow too, which must be a bug because stingers do 850 damage and pyros have 690 hp. Jacks actually are too fast - faster than some skirmishers, which is broke.
+0 / -0