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Title: [A] Teams All Welcome
Host: Nobody
Game version: Zero-K v1.12.6.0
Engine version: 105.1.1-2511-g747f18b
Battle ID: 1937634
Started: 8 months ago
Duration: 12 minutes
Players: 12
Bots: False
Mission: False
Rating: Casual
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Team 2
Chance of victory: 55%


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8 months ago
NLrankrdamterror, level 51 by the way. Porcing inside allied base and creating dams on the front his team can't walk on. I wasn't even in this battle and yet felt the need to comment.
+3 / -0
8 months ago
WHR: 775.

Enough said.
+1 / -0
Opps, wrong log in (had that still logged in after updating game mode config). But yeah, guy's 775 whr. For comparison new accounts start at 1100. Unfortunately, there's just some people that can't learn or won't learn.

Do I think this is actionable? Probably not. I haven't watched the replay but keep in mind this guy is basically the lowest on the ladder right now.

Off topic: this is another example of the rank icons being misleading. How NLrankrdamterror isn't grey is beyond me. They're the lowest on the ladder and yet displays as orange rank (rank 3).
+1 / -0

8 months ago
That's crazy, he still gets the same metal as me in a game.
+1 / -0

8 months ago
Again it is not about the skill-level, but the attitude. If you try for years to get someone to not pork base and they dismiss it for that long, it becomes kind of hard to not sanction that attitude.
+2 / -0

8 months ago
> level 51
> 147 Legendary Landscaper medals
> 1 Loot and Pillage medal
> Zero Mineral Prospector medals

If I'm in a team with him I'm staring a !kick vote the first terraform I see.
+2 / -0

8 months ago
I hate the idea of kicking or banning players who play badly consistently.

There is no way of making a clear dividing line, once the precedent is set it will consistently move upwards.
+3 / -0

8 months ago

I'm sympathetic to the argument, but surely there is a bottom. I don't think anyone would tolerate any build order that starts with 20 storage units.
+2 / -0

8 months ago
To make more clear what I said earlier, making 20 storages because you don`t know better yet or know from a game like TA is at least somewhat mandatory (just not right at the start, but by far not as abad as in ZK) is something that is understandable and has to be tolerated without question. The other end would be someone who exactly knows it is bad and doing it precisely BECAUSE its bad. In the latter case it could be considered something between trolling and griefing. The third option is the person that ignores advice because they either think they know better than anyone elso or they do not even want to think a little bit about what they do. Both cases are different iterations of disrespect towards other people. This should be potentially sanctionable in principle, but since there is always some grey area in between the extremes, it is almost impossible to draw a concrete line.

TLDR; its not the actions themselves that matter, but the intent.
+2 / -0
GBrankdyth68 were this someone who simply doesn't know better then there'd be reason to give the benefit of the doubt, but for someone who's been around for years and played nearly a thousand matches, there's no excuse for continued anti-social behavior. I'm perfectly fine saying that if after so long you cannot listen to basic requests not to actively harm the team, you shouldn't be playing in public teams games.
+0 / -0