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13 posts, 1066 views
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9 months ago
Goodbye zero-k. I join MrTumnus and many others in greener pastures, pushed to seek out a new life by the loving superiority and authority of the mods Googlefrog and Aquanim.
+12 / -1
9 months ago
Farewell RiposteR, you will be missed o7
+0 / -0
9 months ago
+7 / -0

9 months ago
+0 / -0
9 months ago
the first 3 letters were always a hint....
+1 / -0

Havent played with you much ingames but the times i did were pretty fun.
Why leave tho?
+0 / -0

9 months ago
+1 / -0

9 months ago
mh, being nice to a theorycraftlob was too much to ask for ig.

Like I get the point, people with next to no ingame experience don't have many productive things to say about balance, but Aqua did try to deescalate 3-4 times, yet you pressed on, and got muted for 10 min (That seemes to be what sparked this post).
+3 / -1

9 months ago
+0 / -0

9 months ago
They dive in deep, with hearts ablaze,
In worlds where heroes find their praise,
But in the shadows, waits the snare,
The cycle of the lobster’s lair.

First, a move so rash, unwise,
A folly seen through eager eyes,
A rule is broken, tempers flare,
The game’s enforcers heed the prayer.

The hammer falls, a ban decreed,
For actions sowed from thoughtless seed,
A moment’s lapse, a fleeting sin,
Begins the lobster’s journey in.

Frustration brews, resentment grows,
The player’s ire sharply shows,
With wounded pride, they rise to speak,
A farewell penned in tones oblique.

“I leave this game, for it’s unjust,
Its ways betray my heartfelt trust,”
They claim in posts both loud and brash,
A final act, a bitter clash.

To Steam they turn, to voice dismay,
A scornful note they choose to lay,
With words designed to vent their spleen,
Their grievances for all to glean.

“Beware this game,” they starkly warn,
“A place where joy is crushed and torn,”
They leave their mark, a spiteful score,
Then vanish, vowing to return no more.

The cycle shall continue. Maybe one day I shall be next, but for now, I sort by negative.

+13 / -0
9 months ago
+0 / -0
9 months ago
i hope you still feel you are welcome to return. you will have many friends here who miss you.
+1 / -0
The summary is as follows.
  • There was a long discussion/argument in #balance about how to treat people with less experience who participate in balance discussions.
  • USrankRiposteR wasn't in the bulk of the argument, but interjected sometimes in a way that put him on the side of "sometimes you have to be rude to people".
  • The discussion had some poor takes and did not seem to end up anywhere. There were no moderators involved at this point.
  • Concerned with the ambiguity about whether bullying people is ok, AUrankAdminAquanim came in at the end to comment "its possible to explain to somebody that their lack of (recent) experience could be making their opinion not useful without being sarcastic or mean about it", because that is the moderator position. Don't be rude to people.
  • This sparked a much more heated argument, with USrankRiposteR as a major player, but still with no moderators involved. USrankRiposteR took AUrankAdminAquanim's statement to the extreme, saying things like it was sacrificing truth for virtue.
  • AUrankAdminAquanim returned at the end to make clear that USrankRiposteR was wrong; telling the truth does not excuse arbitrary meanness. Then said that the argument is over.
  • USrankRiposteR continued trying to argue it, but also started prosecuting up how poorly treated he felt during the heated argument on whether it is ok to be mean to inexperienced people commenting in #balance.
  • USrankRiposteR then received a 10 minute mute after ignoring increasingly harsh warnings that the argument was over, and that if he feels mistreated he should report it rather than trying to argue it out here.

I am sad to see anyone go, and I hold out hope that the heated discussion pushed people into more disagreement than actually exist.
+8 / -2