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Maintained by AUrankSmokeDragon
Last updated 12 days ago
Created 7 months ago
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untested but probably works...

gives all units newtons

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7 months ago
untested but probably works...

gives all units newtons
+0 / -0
7 months ago
what are all these mods for? does anyone actually play these? why not code something useful
+1 / -0

7 months ago
why not host a room that has a rotation of funny modes
+2 / -0
i do host a room with random modes. but i know what your asking.. an automatic rotation room..
my worry is since many modes were written long ago and have bugs that i can not yet fix (lack of skills) i would prefer to wait another year before i think they will all be ready for the public.

this is the second time you have tried to deter me from making these modes DKBuzz

"we just need trains in zk, not 20234782380727304740 different mods no one plays anyways"

so i will remain civil. i will accept the truths that few if any may ever be played. and indeed there use is limited.

however you cannot control what i enjoy. every mode i make is helping me learn lua.. the latest mode i made involved writing code myself that i could not have done 1 month ago.

i figure if im going to write this code to learn to program then why not share it and have fun in the process.

and yes this mode was played by other people yesterday.. all my modes have been tried by people.. did they enjoy them.. not always.. did they sometimes get angry.. yes.. but did they also sometimes enjoy and play for hours.. yes

this mode was actualy made at the request of Googlefrog the game developer "Some sort of more controllable magnetic units?"
but i think it can be done much better.
especialy since this mode doesnt even seem to pull units properly
im going to modify a outlaw weapon instead
so im remaking this mod as we speak

i need to make these modes if im going to make trains mode because i lack the skills to do it yet. for example i just learned to use nil and not 'not' checks for condition checking when modifying undefined keypair values =)

here is a sneakpeak of another mode im working on =) 75% complete everything is a lobster
+0 / -0
No I mean DKBuzz should host one too and they will understand
+1 / -0
oh =D lol.

interesting that i assumed i knew what you were asking.. i feel its very important i am made aware of the times i assume things so i can repair my blindness. and so i thank you for correcting me.

your support helps to motivate me. and this hobbie gives me joy. so i would buy you as beer anyday =) <3

ill buy DKBuzz a beer too =) he is just trying to help me in his own way i guess
+0 / -0
7 months ago
Im pretty sure DKBuzz is banned :P...
+0 / -0
5 months ago
not yet tested or balanced upcoming rebalance of greed mode.. its exact copy but 5x less extreme so that bigger maps cause less lagg.
+0 / -0
5 months ago
working and balanced. new official less crazy greed mode.
+0 / -0
buffed artimus, luci, ulti dgun disarm, hacksaw burn
gave nebula dgun

+0 / -0

32 days ago
a room with a new mode every game would legendary
+0 / -0

32 days ago
As a user who keeps his distance from the mods, the fact that these mods are possible... is always fascinating to me.
+0 / -0
you can keep your distance from mods if you like

and if you change your mind your welcome to join us =)

i think i even made one of the mods you requested

@ Mr G G .. i host that room lol XD

im not sure how to automate a rotation.. i could fill it with the best mods i have along with cominity mods =)
+0 / -0
32 days ago
fiexed nebula dgun
buffed ulti jump cooldown, damage, regen
buffed scorp regen
added all plates
+0 / -0
buffed ulti regen, jump reload
improved merlin emp visuals
buffed reef
buffed tac sub
+0 / -0
28 days ago
to do so i dont forget:

rework nebula..
shield outrange bertha
dgun long range

merlin more shots

reduce tech 4 build/ pylon range
+0 / -0