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Nerfing bulkhead

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3 months ago
Bulk OP in some situations, particularly 1v1 and small teams on smaller maps. Combined with engi blueprint it's become super hard to stop for some facs. I think an appropriate nerf would be reducing projectile speed and/or fire rate, to mitigate its strength vs raiders and especially skirms like ronin, moderator etc.
Any other good ideas?
+5 / -0

3 months ago
pretty unstoppable for the AI I know that much...
+0 / -0

3 months ago
Yes, IMO what it needs is lesser projectile speed to not counter raider and less range, as their are very tanky.
+0 / -0

3 months ago
Bulkhead is fine, it still loses to skirmishers in my experience and amph gets pretty badly destroyed by them otherwise due to buoy losing to pretty much every other skirm. I wouldn't even call amph favored in any matchup right now other than rover and maybe tank and bulkhead isn't even relevant in the latter.
+0 / -0
3 months ago
my 2c: I like Bulkhead's newfound range as its ability to counter Stinger is a godsend in some matchups. But I agree that when massed they are quite potent against many other units, surprisingly even against small groups of raiders. It feels like slightly reduced projectile speed (or maybe aiming speed?) would be in order, but then again it might harm their ability to challenge skirmishers like Ronin.
+0 / -0
Bulkhead is kinda weak in my book. It loses vs any skirm and not enough dps to stop assault, not consistent enough to hit raiders.
+0 / -0
Yes, on certain maps printing them allows a player to very quickly pressure a front from the comm-position. The bulkheads themselves are tanky, out-range everything and are hard to raid - let alone when backed by other units or a comm.

By themselves the buffs were on the edge, but printing mitigates its main weakness: the unit is only effective in a 'deployment' zone. When it's on the move it's slow, vulnerable; timing might be off, distance matters, etc.

And yes, it is on specific maps: the ones where commonly a single long front appears. Yes there are likely exceptions to what I just said.

I don't have input on nerfs, I think many are possible.
+4 / -0
Yeah, engi com getting the blueprint function was the biggest buff to Bulkhead.

Now you can just win any com duel and light porc by just making a few bulkheads at front and just keep pushing on. You just need some backup with Lotus turrets or ducks or something.
Also some factories without proper skirmishers really suffer against this like tank and rover that doesn't have skirmisher that can dodge shots while dealing enough damage to challenge a Bulkhead push.

Bulkhead was already pretty strong against Stinger before range buff. You just needed 3 to beat a stinger. 4 preferably for almost no losses.
+3 / -0