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12 years ago
Yeah, I played seriously for the first 50% of the game and then I got tired of trying to win with units. "Fuck it, I'm going starlight".
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after a long absence i made a new video.

Daywalker vs GoogleFrog
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And another DayWalker vid, this time vs Capricious

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11 years ago
After watching that vid, I have to say that I think Cap really screwed up by not spamming Banishers. Everything Daywalker was making was counterable by Banishers.


Don't know what the point of the Reapers and Golis were. They didn't seem to make cost and are both pretty bad vs. Glaivespam. Easy to second-guess from a spectator's point of view though. Anyways, it was very fun to watch. A good 1v1.
+0 / -0

11 years ago
Day could spam Zeus because Capricious made too many Panthers. Zeus is better than Panther in just about every way to make up for the fact that Panther is a lot faster. He had to use Panther mobility in that game instead of facing off vs Zeus.

Reaper is fairly good if retreated. Banisher is of course good too. Even a Pillager can kill defence from afar and cause attrition on a nearby army.
+0 / -0

11 years ago
It was bold going tanks and not spamming cons. That is like their best unit.
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11 years ago
i added a video where i try to explain how to play an economic centered game. Basicly me beating up a CAI while explaining how to balance econmoy.

Funny thing is i screw up my own eco tutorial in the last part when i reach 70ish income. (i already recorded the vid twice didnt want a re-re-take :P )

Added two more video's just for fun. (beware of the music)

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11 years ago
me vs godde

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11 years ago
That looks interesting, i'll certainly have a look at that.
+0 / -0

11 years ago
Overall useful. Watching it and taking notes:

I think it would be better to not morph com for e-cell. This is confusing. Not everyone does this morph and a solar based economy is simpler.

It is not obvious when you have paused the game, this is confusing.

Apparently a flow based economy is confusing so more time could be spent explaining the basics.

I think the basics of early economy are to match metal and energy income while expanding. Is this said or focused on?

The video takes a while and I don't think it is particularly focused.

For videos in general it would be really nice if you could use the default UI and settings. It is the UI which new players will see and yours looks completely different.

There is a default widget which lights up when there are idle workers.

On hotkeys; every structure has a hotkey built into the default UI. That could be used as well.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
clicked the links but could not get myself to watch it all because this does not look attractive to me:

Use a map that looks nice, with trees and stuff.
Since it is aimed at new players, videos must have closer camera:
Otherwise all viewers see are some dots moving towards each other, too abstract for nubs.
Imo videos at "starcraft distance" are just better to watch. Guess it is also easier for new players to follow what is going on when the units are more visible.
+0 / -0
That is quiet interesting point actually.

Games shouldn't be about graphics, this is not about graphics. Icons make the game so much clearer. We can't lure new players with fancy graphics they are outdated and most of them are just plain ugly in comparison to the commercial titles. The icons and ability to make it all abstract is one of ZKs strong selling points.

Red Comet and CCR are such nice maps because they are so dull texture wise. Everything is so clear. I might be one of the few who actually enjoys the old ccr more than the new one. Trees are hardly a good feature in spring maps because they introduce a lot of randomness too.

If i play like this it might actually encourage new players to play with icons more too.

The default ZK-ui is pretty bad from what i recall from the last time i used it. The camera is unresponsive, it has all sorts of unintuitive features like autogroup unit AIs and the gesture menu is also pretty bad (please correct me if i'm wrong if any of this has changed. I haven't used it for at least 1.5 years). I think it would be best to use a very minimalistic interface with basic controls and let the player add helper widgets when they learn the game. Close to Springs default UI, but with the ZK look.
+0 / -0

11 years ago
Saying games don't need graphics is like saying computers don't need GUI's. Why do you need a start button when you have access to the command line? Now, to some, the CLI is preferable, but that doesn't mean that we should chuck out the window manager.
Having a robust CLI means a lot to some people, but it is not a strong selling point for the vast majority. Same with Strategic view. I love it and would not want to get rid of it, but it might not be the best thing to show off for getting new players.
Further extending the analogy, saying: "let the player add helper widgets when they learn the game" is like a Windows user installing Linux for the first time with no WM and having them learn how to install their own. IMO that is completely unacceptable and will keep our already small community from growing at all.

I really enjoy watching videos of Zero-K (especially because atm I have no computer capable of running it) so thanks to Floris, GoogleFrog, et. al. who've helped make them. If I have any criticism it is the fact that the games are paused for ~3 mins in the beginning! I can't watch that. Whatever that is said in the beginning (I skipped over it) can be discussed while the game is in action.
+0 / -0

11 years ago
It is not that computer games don't need graphics, a strategical overview is a type of graphics of it´s own. But we shouldn´t emphasize it too much.

I can increase the icon distance a bit for a tutorial video though it isn´t that much of a problem.

But it still a funny fact that a game plays better with icons most of the time. I guess it kind off depends what it is you enjoy in a game.
+0 / -0

11 years ago
The default ZK-ui is pretty bad from what i recall from the last time i used it. The camera is unresponsive, it has all sorts of unintuitive features like autogroup unit AIs and the gesture menu is also pretty bad (please correct me if i'm wrong if any of this has changed. I haven't used it for at least 1.5 years). I think it would be best to use a very minimalistic interface with basic controls and let the player add helper widgets when they learn the game. Close to Springs default UI, but with the ZK look.

Try again. This involves moving springsettings.cfg, ZK_data.lua and ZK_order.lua then selecting high settings in ZKL and starting a game. The UI does not get anywhere if you complain with no idea what the current one looks like.
+0 / -0

11 years ago
I think you need reduced icon distance if you are going to zoom out because it is impossible to see what you are looking at when you are at a certain distance in that particular video.
+0 / -0

11 years ago
Current UI has had the same problems for a long time. Two different designs of build menu methods. Two different designs of chat methods.
+0 / -0

11 years ago
I wasn't really asking you because Floris has changed a lot more than chat and build. We'd want a new thread you want to try and convince Licho to disable the conflicting widgets by default.

Did you try the default UI just before posting? The radial menu is only accessible via 'B' or if you right click with a single unit selected which is a builder. The bubbles are significantly smaller than they used to be.
+0 / -0
I we think do need to combine the best of these into a single widget, and this has been discussed before. A new thread or wiki on the topic might be fruitful but we need someone to actually make the changes. Car was talking about a properly integrated nested gesture style menu ages ago, and we've had at least a couple attempts at integrating chat bubbles with the classic chat format (I'd look at league of legends, with it's fading text that only shows history and a border on Enter, + some of the icon functionality from chat bubbles). We can workshop some mockups if anyone thinks this is actually worth doing.
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Update with new games between JamesBond (A.K. the abominable conman) vs W4rl0ck (A.K. the abominable tickman)


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