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no construction/repair beam visible [SOLVED]

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im playing on nvidia 560, latest drivers.

i have somehow lost the visualization of the construction/repair beam for all cons and comanders. see attached img. graphical settings are set via zk lobby to 2nd highest detail, particle to max-1, lups on or off tested. rest untouched.

when switching to lowest graphic detail, the beam is visible.

any advice? thx in advance.

SOLVED: check that save mode is unchecked/off (zk-lobby -> settings)

+0 / -0
12 years ago
i have the same bug sometimes

I have a radeon 4980
+0 / -0

12 years ago
when you say "sometimes", what does change that it changes? do you make changes or stuff?
+0 / -0

12 years ago
>2nd highest detail, particle to max-1

There's your problem. When you turn detail up, it changes from a beam (like a laser) to a cloud of particles. You've got particles set to 1, and each nanocloud is made up of lots of particles.

Btw, why are you playing with only 1 particle? I've got a GTX580 and I play with thousands of particles. You should be able to do the same.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
This is what you should see if you turn particles up:

+0 / -0
thx for your reply. you did misunderstand me. i wrote particles = max-1, meaning maximum setting - 1, because its a slider with 6 or 7 settings there. i can play at maximum too, but in lolsized games, lag improvements are totally visible when using this setting.

but particle beam should be totally visible at least at start of game anyway, when map is unpopulated..

and just to note: it did work, at max, and at max-1 setting. it just recently did malfunction, without me doing anything.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
Turning off safe mode on the settings tab solved that problem for me.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
"slider"? Are you using springsettings.exe? That indicates that you don't use ZKL in which case your settings are probably wrong. Try downloading some better ones.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
Hmm, I don't know then. I'm on fairly recent drivers (not as recent as you) and I don't have those issues. I'm honestly surprised that changing video settings is making that much of a performance difference for you, considering the GTX560 has about 80% of the power of a GTX580, and I never use more than 40-50% of my GPU power. For example, I'm sitting n a fairly large 8v8 and I'm using 36% of my GPU right now.

Maybe its a perceived difference, but not a real one? I would pick a replay of a large battle, turn /clock and /fps on, and see what FPS is at the same point in the battle on two different settings. I would be surprised to see a major difference in framerate.

Wish I knew what was causing that bug.
+0 / -0
I think the slider he's referring to is the in game settings slider.

+0 / -0

12 years ago
i use zklobby and the slider is the one mentioned by nicemonkey.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
U are in safe mode maybe? check this option in zk lobby... one day i ngot the same problem becouse of this option
+0 / -0
@ sfireman: not knowingly. will check that when im home.

this worked. somehow the "[x]safe mode" in "zk lobby" was enabled. disabling this enables nanospray.

thx everyone ;)
+0 / -0
12 years ago
i think in zk you need to enable lua shaders to see nanospray.

actually would like to know/see added a way to play with lua shaders off but still have nanospray. (when enabling luashaders i randomly hang in 1/10 games, seems related to the cloaking effect maybe)
+0 / -0
12 years ago
safemode is autoenabled when you crash out or exit with the X in the corner/task manager
+0 / -0

12 years ago
It's autoenabled? For me it only asks if i want to...
+0 / -0
as this is a returning question in the forums, make it sticky?
+0 / -0
11 years ago
I could not make this work.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
I had the same problem, and setting the maxparticles to 4000 solved my problem (not seeing the nanocloud but the nanobeam, which is fine by me).

However, something strange happened. After updating to the most recent version of Zero-K and Spring, I get to see the nanobeam for a couple of seconds, but then it vanishes and my commander lowers his arm, which indicates that the building animation stopped, even though it still keeps building what it was building.

No nanobeam on factories too.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
>However, something strange happened. After updating to the most recent version of Zero-K and Spring, I get to see the nanobeam for a couple of seconds, but then it vanishes and my commander lowers his arm, which indicates that the building animation stopped, even though it still keeps building what it was building.

me also have this
+1 / -0
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