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[req] dude icons

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12 years ago
I get it, it's a smiley because your rank gets happier when you level more...! :D
+0 / -0

12 years ago
I don't think level is that important. I would break it into a few groups.

+0 / -0

12 years ago
If that's the case, might as well just do 0-9, 10-19, 20-29, etc. GW2 PvP has a ranking system similar to this: http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Rank

I think it works nicely. Levels make you feel like you keep making progress, but each 10 levels is a really big deal because you get that shiny new rank badge.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
Ok, every 10 sounds good to keep. Although a special level for 1 would be nice because that is useful information.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
Just make
shape => elo ranking and
color => level.
Unlimited levels (for example pale to bright color between 0-10 levels and then color switch) and a clear 10 divisions elo ranking. And it is in the right order of importance. elo importance is bigger then level importance.
+0 / -0
Colors are much harder to put in an understandable ascending order than chevrons. This is why it's much clearer to show level, where there will be multiple "steps", as chevrons. Unless you have some scheme of how to put 9+ colors in an order that newbies understand? I for sure don't.

AUrankAdminGoogleFrog Although a special level for 1 would be nice because that is useful information.

Yes, this is a good idea.
+0 / -0
:D you can show evry single level up to 65000 using a 16x16 matrix barcode in black and white

Wrong, 16*16 = 256 you can show every level from 0 to
115 792 089 237 316 195 423 570 985 008 687 907 853 269 984 665 640 564 039 457 584 007 913 129 639 935

= 2^256-1

And that's only using one color, multiply it by 4,294,967,295 to get full range of possibilities when using 32bit colors with alpha :-)

The result is:
497 323 236 293 994 552 918 066 052 723 249 855 091 768 242 944 077 732 774 823 412 853 701 913 004 615 950 925 825

That is several orders of magnitude more combinations than is atoms in universe btw.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
Actually, a barcode suggests that the bits are represented by bars, ie. one bit would be the whole 16px column, so he was kinda right about it being about 65k.

On topic though, I like lucky's icons, but I agree that copper and bronze could be swapped and gold (diamond too, perhaps?) made a bit more shiny.
+0 / -0
ill pretend this never happened!
+0 / -0
12 years ago
9 bits is not 9^2, but 2^9 == 512
3x3 block is not (3^2)^3, but (2^3)^3


2^9 == 512
+0 / -0
good point i fuck up my math even more XD

so 2^(16*16)=1.5e+77 :P
so yea you could store a silly amount of data on that image...
quattrovigintillions!!!(1 less order of mag then the smaller estimate for atoms in universe(10^78))

or the exact result >.<

so yea lets use colours and store the whole universe on a 16x16 image!
btw... thats 2.88*10^40060230 posible combinations... 40060148 more orders of magnitude then all the atoms in the universe XD
+0 / -0
12 years ago
*Laughs and points at @[TROLOLO]ddabaeqepp*
+0 / -0
12 years ago
i blame this on my winter vacation turning my brain to warm goo!
+0 / -0

12 years ago
And that's only using one color, multiply it by 4,294,967,295 to get full range of possibilities when using 32bit colors with alpha
That's not how it works...
+0 / -0

12 years ago
i call up an ionstorm.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
That's not how it works...

Yeah I was locked in that 1 color per image mentality.

Anyway do you think that smiles would work to signal 0-9 ?

Dont you feel embarassed we cannot pick just 100 out of all those atoms in univerze? :)
+0 / -0
Dont you feel embarassed we cannot pick just 100 out of all those atoms in univerze? :)

Well, I have a perfect solution then, Mr. Smarty Pants.

Here are rank icons 1-10:

I think you know how 11-99 will look.

The great advantages of this system are that everyone will instantly understand the level representations, they will all be distinct and clear, and they all look pretty good too. No weird-looking smiles required.
+0 / -0
Numbers are boring and not as cool as symbols. We could also decrease number of levels significantly.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
Use color for levels! Symbols for elo! Elo needs to be more accurate than level, 'cause the later is COMPLETELY obsolete past 20 or so.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
Agreed. Above level 30 or so you don't need to see the level precisely. If you want to know it, mouseover.
+0 / -0
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