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I want 15% more range and damage

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12 years ago
since servos got 15% more speed. i demand 15% more range and 15% more damage
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12 years ago
Your demand is stupid totally stupid. ADV targeting is much more useful than speed or damage booster. Actually for damage boosters I bet even if they were 20% nobody would really stack them too much. At least I cant imagine com with 8x damage boosters and still being useful.
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12 years ago
but speed is the biggest factor and we got that :/ why not range and damage?
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12 years ago
princereaper you complaint cause you do not know how to play fleas, last game you made blobs of it, and not lines, fleas can find and cloaked unit is used right.
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12 years ago
dude you really hating me. I killed troll coms 3 game in a row. i was messing with troll com builds. i wasn't playing seriously that game.
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12 years ago
Hehe, looking at your elo you never play serious. :P

I'd rather see the speed buff decreased to a balanced value. Something like 12.5% for for 175m.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
Boost speed increase to 20%, i want sonic da hedgehog com
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12 years ago
Well i told the dev guys to make modules with different % like 10% 15% 20% but higher cost for more percentage.So you can buy a high power servos module taking 1 slot but costs like 10X times then a 10% speed module.

Do all with all modules and we will make a good balance for the coms.Also it will be interesting to see players morphing coms at level 1 that gives them 100% more speed, dmg, or something else.

Will this be possible?Can we at least try it and make 10,20,30,40,50,60,70,80,90,100 percentage for all modules buy possible?It will be the risk of the player to use 100% modules in games, and no one will cry out over OP d gun coms
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12 years ago
Forever, could you please stop asking the devs to instantly implement each and every idea of yours (or ask for votes)? Seriously, try discussing them here first.
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12 years ago
it dosn't make sense for all modules to have the same blanket % rate. 10% speed has very different effect on a units capabilities than 10% range. learn2RTS
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12 years ago
Speed: Coms are slow - if they are faster, they can still get stunned, skuttled, or nuked... ever tried a Licho?

Damage Boosters: Damage Boosters are the only thing that allows coms to penetrate shields (except relatively weak gauß).
If you get 20%, I will use them a lot more!
But then you can forget about the high-Caliber-Barrel, especially as it don't work for dguns ...

Range: Do you really want coms that can outrange Annis with Sniper guns and high Calliber barrel?
+0 / -0

12 years ago
Kitty sniper conversions aren't effected by High Cal

flat rate is stoopid
scaling rate down to the effect the modules have is the best way
range and damage modules are the most useful
speeds effect is neglible so this buff makes it actually attractive to use rather then that neglected module sat in the corner shunned and alone
+0 / -0
It's really very simple, we just need to set the per-module value to something people would actually want to spend a slot on, and then set the max number of modules to the maximum value we want to see on comms.

You don't need any diminishing returns BS because that ruins any chance at specialization. Diminishing returns is a kind of soft cap, we don't need this when we already have a hard cap. That is what the max module count is for, and the only significance of the number 8 is that is the number of modules you could originally fit on a max level comm!
+0 / -0

12 years ago
Max number of modules is ugly .. it basically means that the module scales with count and that people should always max it..

Nah I dont like limits like this..
Not in its current form of general module slots but still exact count limits for each type..

If you want to go that way at least make it nicer like "leg modules" which would give movement related bonuses (like faste walking uphill, speed, jumping, activable sprint etc)
+0 / -0
Stacking 8 of one module is a bad? So you don't want people to specialize their comms into a custom build? So you want people to stack one of every module? One mobility module on the feet, a HP module in the chest, a DPS module in the arms... sounds pretty generic.

I'd rather see more specialized commanders with niche builds like d-gun cloak, long range rocket skirm, high HP riot or disruptor skirmisher.

We just need to ensure that a broader rage of builds are viable and buying any of the modules can be good, but investing in the max number of any one module doesn't lead to exceeding a critical threshold (Like artillery range riot weapons, comms moving faster than bandits, etc). We also needs things like RoF modifiers (higher RoF, or lower RoF for more damage), AoE modules, modules that reduce accuracy but increase DPS, modules that add a burst to weapons, modules that make weapons have an arcing trajectory, etc.

For what it matters power does not scale linearly. Once you can outrange a HLT, outrun a bandit or survive a few shots from a Spy/Skuttle/Anni/Pene/Nuke bomber, then you're often better off focusing on other stats. The reason we see people stack the max number of range modules is that the 10% scales off of the base range of the weapon- using a weapon with a high base range makes that 10% so much more valuable that it out-competes other modules.
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12 years ago
What I meant is for example 1 leg slot per level and slot could be filled with module with various movement-related abilities.
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12 years ago
I know, so then you have a different movement ability, DPS ability, defense ability, etc every level.

This does not encouraging specializing into a focused build. Not every comm build should even have a mobility related module.
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12 years ago
Nobody takes the integrated radar network, because you can spend 200m more (and save morph costs) to get an advanced radars in your very back.

Or is it better than the description tells us it is?

If we want more customized coms, why are the weapon potentials so unbalanced?
* Some weapons can - properly buffed - penetrate shields with high alpha or snipe units, but it is hard to aim at or hit the targets
* Other have high AOE, but not enough to clear structures under shields AND enough dps to actually do damage.
* Arty has not enough range to outrange Anni (1500m tremor can) AND deal enough alpha damage to penetrate the shields.

We have no reason to costumize the coms - if coms are too short ranged, they get skuttled - to slow, sniped/bombed.
* Because coms make 240m/e per minute and have other features too.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
If we want more customized coms, why are the weapon potentials so unbalanced?
* Some weapons can - properly buffed - penetrate shields with high alpha or snipe units, but it is hard to aim at or hit the targets
* Other have high AOE, but not enough to clear structures under shields AND enough dps to actually do damage.
* Arty has not enough range to outrange Anni (1500m tremor can) AND deal enough alpha damage to penetrate the shields.

Com is not meant to destroy shielded annis/other buildings. What exactly about that is underpowered?
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12 years ago
more than UP compared to tremor.

Your com costs far more.
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