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World Of Tanks

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11 years ago
Anyone play? Whats your highest tier?
+0 / -0
11 years ago
No one plays?
+0 / -0
11 years ago
I played a bit. My friends are playing.
+0 / -0
Isn't it a pay-to-win grindfest?
+1 / -0
11 years ago
No. It's good game.
+0 / -0
Lags almost too much in Wine.

I wouldn't call it a p2w since you'll need a lot of money to use exclusively gold shells. And there's nothing else you can buy for money to help you win games.

But yeah, it's a grindfest on higher tiers so I stopped on tier 3 and play sometimes on fun stuff like Pz I Ausf. C or БТ-7. Some of tier 4 is unlocked but it's too much grinding there.

EDT: Also, it doesn't allow me to use NA and EU servers. War Thunder is better in this regard (you can play on any server in the world) but it's about planes. :)
+0 / -0

11 years ago
I've heard good things about it's design, but it sounds like a good game ruined by RPG mechanics
+0 / -0
Role-playing game? No. There are no roles, you don't play them. There are even no characters.

And expirience has as much to do with RPGs as magic. Sometimes it's there, somtimes it's not. It's not strictly an RPG mechanics.

So yeah, you can say it's ruined by unlocks. Just like Zero-K. :P

EDT: Actually it's even worse in ZK since everyone plays in the same room called "All welcome". In WoT if you have only shitty low-tier stuff you'll play against people with the same shitty low-tier stuff.

EDT2: Of course they're not ruined with unlocks. They serve a purpose to save newbs from noobtraps. If you allow everyone to pick anything half of new players will ride Mauses (there) and "rush" dets (here).
+0 / -0
Experience systems are an RPG mechanic.

You'll never grind in Zero-K, by the time you get anywhere near 'grinding', you'll have run out of things to unlock.
+0 / -0
Expirience systems are not an RPG mechanic. There are RPGs without expirience. There are non-RPGs with expirience.

You're not required to grind in WoT to win either. Just play on low tiers.

EDT: I never said ZK is a grindfest btw.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
Saktoth, I bet you would have never thought about RPG if they just called "expirience" something else like "research points". Mechanics is not RPG's. Just the word "expirience" reminds you of them. :)
+0 / -0
Nope, you can trace the hereditary of these things, and they come from RPG's. They even pre-date computer games. Almost every game includes RPG mechanics these days, but to deny that they are RPG mechanics is to ignore the history of their development.

You'll notice nobody called them experience points at all. The only descriptor used was 'tiers'. It is in fact the word 'grind' which identifies the mechanics, IE the method of acquiring them purely through the investment large amounts of time in repetitive actions.

You can call them skinner-box mechanics or operant-conditioning if you like but that doesn't really fully encompass how these are employed in modern games. It's semantics and misunderstanding the terminology. I have nothing against RPG's, either the computer game genre or the true story-based role-playing game.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
There's a very fine line. E.g. money in WoT is gained through the same repetitive actions and... you may be right. :) WoT's money follows RPG mechanics too because you need to battle to gain money. ZK's levels and expirience is the same because you gain them through your actions. ZK's in-game metal and energy are not an RPG mechanics because they are gained automatically by having eco buildings.

So it's defined by how you gain the resource, not how you spend it or, of course, not how the resource is called.

Thanks for clarification. :)
+0 / -0

11 years ago
Also it is important that the XP is persistent between games (such as ZK XP) or that games persist for a very long time (MMORPGs). As I understand it games with XP are called grindfests when XP buys the player more power with insignificant downsides AND when the XP takes a significant amount of time to accrue.

I know some people who play or have played World of Tanks. I don't know any details of the tiers or metagame but each game by itself seems to be reasonable. Games are slow paced and there are many tanks with different roles.

The large playerbase and matchmaking helps with XP imbalances and additionally ensures that each game has a fair spread of roles. As far as I can tell there is a bit of an RPS triangle because there are speedy small tanks, tough slow tanks and artillery. Games which I have seen tend to have an even spread of roles per team so something good is going on in the background.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
I didn't ask if EXP was part of RPG games, nor did I ask for critism/praise/anaylsis of the game.

"Anyone play? Whats your highest tier?"
+0 / -0
:P i have a KV-2 or something like that on there that i never use...

i also have a 100% ubervet LTractor that is epic and spews more bullets in a single second then most tanks can in 2 minutes

^.^ im a t0 addict, wargaming has allways had the problem of their games putting tanks of too different a class together, and there are no real advantages for "smaller" tanks to abuse vs "larger" tanks. so playing big tanks gets boring fast, due to the grinding, and ubercampfest games

how epic a LTractor is
^.^ my best record is killing the wholle enewmy team solo in my LTractor
(teh silly noobs on my team died)
+0 / -0
11 years ago
The great pro ddab is great pro everywhere.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
The problem is not the game but the players. Imagine the worst team in a zK 10v10 and then multiply by 500. At least 75% of players are completly pants-on-hat with ramming, blocking each other, teamkilling, having no idea what to do.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
^.^ why do people asume im pro?
the way i see it, im just normal, evryone else must be a noob...
+0 / -0
11 years ago
> LTractor that is epic and spews more bullets in a single second then most tanks can in 2 minutes

Either I forgot the roots (which is 1st tier) or you still haven't got 0.8.4's Pz. Kpfw. I Ausf. C. :P
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