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Free planet exploit

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13 years ago
[V] get 1 planet from this guy

2 hours ago MXrank[NLZ]oob gives 113 influence on Gunton to MXrank[V]Odin
2 hours ago MXrank[NLZ]oob sends 1000 credits to MXrank[V]Odin
2 hours ago AUrank[V]Crutch of [V] has captured planet Ailyrazia from MXrank[NLZ]oob of NLZ.
2 hours ago MXrank[NLZ]oob gives 501 influence on Ailyrazia to AUrank[V]Crutch
2 hours ago MXrank[NLZ]oob gets $1000 for colonizing his/her first planet Ailyrazia
2 hours ago MXrank[NLZ]oob has claimed planet Ailyrazia for NLZ. B23006
2 hours ago MXrank[NLZ]oob got 113 ( ) influence at Gunton from B23006
3 hours ago MXrank[NLZ]oob joins clan NLZ

[V] got 2 planet from this guy

2 hours ago MXrank[V]Odin of [V] has captured planet Orle from MXrankPirateweee[CSS] of CSS.
2 hours ago MXrankPirateweee[CSS] gives 501 influence on Orle to MXrank[V]Odin
2 hours ago MXrankPirateweee[CSS] has claimed planet Orle for CSS. B23006
3 hours ago MXrank[Pirate]weeee joins clan CSS
3 hours ago MXrank[Pirate]weeee leaves clan Pirate
3 hours ago MXrank[Pirate]weeee gives 201 influence on Tamrorn to MXrank[V]Odin
3 hours ago MXrank[V]Odin of [V] has captured planet Eladehir from MXrank[Pirate]weeee of Pirate.
3 hours ago MXrank[Pirate]weeee gives 501 influence on Eladehir to MXrank[V]Odin
3 hours ago MXrank[Pirate]weeee sends 1000 credits to MXrank[V]Odin
3 hours ago MXrank[Pirate]weeee gets $1000 for colonizing his/her first planet Eladehir
3 hours ago MXrank[Pirate]weeee has claimed planet Eladehir for Pirate. B23004
3 hours ago MXrank[Pirate]weeee got 201 ( ) influence at Tamrorn from B23004
4 hours ago MXrankblabla[T] joins clan Pirate

Both happened 2 hours ago
+0 / -0

13 years ago
+0 / -0
13 years ago
Maybe it is possible to check from which IP 's this oob and weeee connected? Because this certainly looks like a bit of foul play.
+0 / -0

13 years ago
Yeah it should be checked, if its exploit, it should be penalized
+0 / -0
13 years ago
hmmm...Of course, it's suspicious that clanmember of NLZ or Pirates sends his IP/credits to another player in enemy clan, but shouldnt he be penalized by means of that clan ? (By kicking him out, because he broke clan rules, if any?)

Keep in mind that this player could transfer only his OWN gained IP/credits, which he won by himself, right? If thats an inside trader (traitor) from V, he was exposed and those clans should deal with him themselves. I dont see any reason to punish him by admins.

Or he could just give that IP and credits to Odin because they agreed on something, traded etc. Maybe he decided to join V? Dunno, but thats hardly a cheating I think, just weird.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
I think it is cheating... how can it be reasoned with to say its ok to do this? have clan limits been lifted? valhalla have 12 member
+0 / -0
13 years ago
I think it is cheating... how can it be reasoned with to say its ok to do this? have clan limits been lifted? valhalla have 12 members
+0 / -0
13 years ago
Then I must ask, where is it written that one cannot transfer his IPs ? :)
The reason is you can transfer freely your points to any player, because system allows such transfers.

btw what clan limits you mean?
+0 / -0
13 years ago
Its not transfering IPs, its creating an account, and a smurf account and then using the gifting rule to cheat your way to a free planet and free credits. Something that a couple NIA members got banned for earlier this season to note.

However I think the simpilist solution to this exploit is to have IP transfer between clan members only.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
I dont know much about this matter, but if you check accounts of those guys:

1. All three involved players are from Mexico, which means they might be friends and agreed on transfer, or are about to join V. We dont know yet.
2. Both (pirate and NLZ guy) won their matches and gained their IP/credits normally. Then they decided to give their IPs to Odin.

What is wrong about that ?
+0 / -0
13 years ago
Ah, I see. Multiaccounting is forbidden?
I would understand that dualboxing should be, but (if you imply that Odin set smurf accounts...) what is the reason to do so?
Why would someone get more accounts, with no unlocks and commander setups, just to play at the same time (and regularly win!) and then transfer those points to his own account, when he could do the same easier way on his OWN account? I dont get it :/
+0 / -0
13 years ago
6 hours ago MXrankPirateweee[CSS] gives 501 influence on Orle to MXrank[V]Odin
6 hours ago MXrank[NLZ]oob gets $1000 for colonizing his/her first planet Ailyrazia
6 hours ago MXrank[NLZ]oob has claimed planet Ailyrazia for NLZ. B23006
6 hours ago NLZ was awarded empty planet Ailyrazia B23006
6 hours ago MXrankPirateweee[CSS] has claimed planet Orle for CSS. B23006
6 hours ago CSS was awarded empty planet Orle B23006

these lines are what matters. They didn't win the planets with the smurf accounts, they were "gifted" them because they were the clan didn't have a planet, and a clan is gifted one after their first battle if they don't have one.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
Hm okay, I didnt know that every clan gets free planet awarded at the beginning of PW. I thought they won them by regular way (I checked their replays if its fake or real match, and was real) but anyways...

That means this starting planet is given to one random clanmember ?
If we want to prevent inside traders from trading away the starting planets, they should be given exclusively to clan LEADERS, not any clanmember by random.
It's bad luck if that member happens to be somehow untrustworthy...

Now the question is:
If we find out that those players are unique and they just willingly transferred their planets to Odin because they are all friends... Should it really be punished?
Because when they get the starting planet under their control, it is fully in their disposition, right?

I think its the fault of the clanleader, and he should punish (kick) such players (or smurf accounts if so) and be more careful about recruiting.

PS: Trading limits between clanmembers only would kill whole trading and alliance system.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
Its gifted to the clan member that played in the game. The planet that the fight happened on is not the planet that they won. Partcipation counts for the gift, one match or not.

I would be less calling foul if it was unique players ConTrust...but its far too blatant. This is exactly the same thing NIA(Malo and Folion/Sawyer AKA Trycon and Ares) was doing earlier in the season, and got promptly banned from PW for it.

Also, your argument of limiting transferrence is BS. No clan in alliance or ceasefire has actually used the IP transfer out of clan for any other use than to exploit the system. There has been back and fourth purchasing of IP, but no one had given IP away.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
Thanks, now I understand :) Well, I don't know any of those players, except our CL Odin, so I cant tell which is fake or not. Admins will decide by ID if its unique. Though I dont think its something wrong or bad, its just a dirty trick at most...Audiatur et altera pars.

To limiting trade: We used it at least once, while in old clan before joining V though. But I think it will not do any good overall, disabling IP. What about future alliances and tactical trading between them?

(Im off for 3 days, see ya)
+0 / -0
13 years ago
Solution sounds simple. Prevent giving away of the free planet and don't give free money.

Of course, after losing/winning back the free planet, the restriction is lifted and conquered planets can be given away.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
Just to make sure stuff is clear. I am not agiant the buying and selling of IP on planets. That takes Money and IP already. I just think that a person shouldn't be able to give away their IP to non-clan members.

Also, I would call this bad when a clan can exploit their way into a 4 planet lead, I call that preety bad.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
also is there a clan number limit or not?
+0 / -0
13 years ago
There is. It's 10 members of rank 2 or higher play time.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
Hmmm so much of a hassle od course it is an exploid, was found about yesterday when we saw that [I] and NIA have 3 planets, specialy [NIA] (they were banned as i read) all planets with only 501 ip, so we talked about how did they got the planets, then we were playing with it.

The problem is not this exploid, the problem is how NLZ members did it last round, (nobody noticed) you do win the planets with smurfs accounts, but dont send the ip, you wait 1 day or to, and sell the ip for 1 credit. then you wait and send the credits.

Or even worse when you win the planet with your smurf account against yourself, given you more ip on another planet, also elo. like Cheaterman was trying to.

So like i did it it was intended to be found, just that the intention was that i posted the thing not anyone else.

Anyway im still writing my suggestions for PW including a solution to this.

Don't start rage so easy, im always talking about how PW is so easy to exploid and im always bothering admins when someone cheats, and then what? Im going to win my 3rd round by cheating? we dont need cheats.

Well anyway see you in the next post.
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