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Forum formatting

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for the sake of completeness a re-posting:
(i will maybe keep this here updated)

overview of coded bb-code commands. for USAGE REMOVE THE STARS ("*").

// bold:
// [*b]bold text[/b]
// becomes bold text

// quote:
// [*quote]quoted text
// becomes
quoted text

// [q ]short quote [/q]
short quote

// italic:
// [*i]italic text[/i]
// becomes italic text

// underline:
// [*u]underlined text[/u]
// becomes underlined text

// strike:
// [*s]striked text[/s]
// becomes striked text

// url:
// [*url=http://www.zero-k.info]this link goes to zero-k[/url]
// becomes: this link goes to zero-k
// ZK-Forum
// [*url=2424]this thread[/url]
// becomes: [url=2424]this thread[/url]
// It also accepts page number using ?page=123 and post ID using #123, eg.
// [*url=1784?page=8#106706]the sprung sprung sprung post[/url]
// [url=1784?page=8#106706]the sprung sprung sprung post[/url]

// images:
// [*img]http://i131.photobucket.com/albums/p315/Saktoth/zk_eclipse-1.png[/img]
// becomes:
// imges with alt-text:
// [*img=http://zero-k.info/img/avatars/khomeini2.png.BrokenLinkToUseAltText]this is the alt text[/img]
// becomes [img=http://zero-k.info/img/avatars/khomeini2.png.BrokenLinkToUseAltText]this is the alt text[/img]

// colour:
// [*color=red]your coloured text[/color]
// becomes: your coloured text
// supports UK English and US English spelling of colour/color
// color specification accepts #rrggbb format and named html colors, including "transparent" (useful for spoiler sections)

// size:
// [*size=3]your sized text[/size]
// becomes: your sized text

// playername/clanname/faction:
// @*mojjj / @*TheGBC / @*SynPact
// becomes: DErankAdminmojjj / TheGBC / SynPact

// replay battles:
// becomes: Bots B12345 2 on Tangerine

// Spoiler.
// [*spoiler]this is a spoiler[/spoiler]
// becomes:[Spoiler]

// embedded videos - click to play. with sound. no repeat
// supported formats: mp4, 3gp, webm, ogg, ogv, gifv
// your browser must be version
// IE: 9.0+
// Chrome: 4.0+
// Firefox: 3.5+
// Safari: 4.0+
// Opera: 10.5+
// [vid*]https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/23979348/spring_static/vid/Zero-kMayhem-Dirtbag-YouTube_360p.webm[/vid]
// becomes

// embedded videos - autoplay/sound is muted/repeat => just as a gif ;)
// supported formats: mp4, 3gp, webm, ogg, ogv, gifv
// your browser must be version
// IE: 9.0+
// Chrome: 4.0+
// Firefox: 3.5+
// Safari: 4.0+
// Opera: 10.5+
// [*gifv]https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/23979348/spring_static/vid/giftest/crop.webm[/gifv]
// becomes

if some formatting does not work, play with the order. (e.g. color always deepest level. bold always most outta level. )
+15 / -0
12 years ago
// format add Flag/Rank/Clan/Player: @*playername
// becomes: @playername
+0 / -0
@*B12345 becomes a battle link: Bots B12345 2 on Tangerine

Also, here's a pro tip:

[*quote]text containing a


text containing a

+0 / -0

how to make this with maps? :D
+0 / -0
submitted patch to replace "quote" operation for text which include linebreaks.

someone enable patch ;) http://code.google.com/p/zero-k/issues/detail?id=1650
+0 / -0
12 years ago
This would be helpful as a sticky. Someone with admin powers please sticky this.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
Very well. I stickied it.
+0 / -0

11 years ago
Isn't it a better idea to use the userID for player reference instead of their name since names can change?

Maybe you can even make it so that when you enter @*playername the player that currently holds that name gets his ID inserted into the post.
+6 / -0

11 years ago
commenting so I can find this
I always forget where this is
even though its stickied now, I'll lose it
I'm that good
+0 / -0

11 years ago
I had to look for this too. It is bookmarked now ;-) Thanks again mojjj @201951
+0 / -0

11 years ago
also this:

[*quote=@201951]quoted text[/quote]

would be nice
+0 / -0
11 years ago
What I would like is working image tags. [*img]imgur.com[/img] does not seem to work.
+0 / -0
GBrankTheSponge please read the second line of the first post in this topic (red, large). then hf and bless us with some! :D
+1 / -0
EDIT: Working! I will now grace this forum with a magnificent work of art:

+5 / -0
11 years ago
thank you!
+0 / -0

11 years ago
Incase you're wondering, he changed the links to his images in his last edit.

DErankAdminmojjj: Maybe you want to add the spoiler color thing?
+0 / -0
I wonder if it would be polite if i changed it myself.

For reference, the right way is:
// format the size tags: [*color=transparent]your invisible text[/color]
// becomes: your invisible text.

And not that #102020 nonsense!
+1 / -0

+2 / -0
@anarchid, as long as you dont error the post, knock yourself out ;). makes me unresponsible for a guideline to troll if you do it.
+0 / -0
There seems to be a problem with making huge red allcaps bold text.
+0 / -0
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