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Chicken in pw

13 posts, 1213 views
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13 years ago
Chickens are too op when you get alot of ppl since there not enough mexes on the map for like 15 ppl. But there are 15x chickens making it pretty much impossible to win.
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13 years ago
It's more like the other way around. You got 16x the micro and chickens die 16x easier to aoe weapons. I suggest changing PW chickens to suicidal, 'hard' is too easy if there's just a few players.

Both things are exactly the opposite when it comes to the queen. While regular units are muuuch too weak the queen is too tough - it doesn't die any quicker to aoe weapons and micro isn't really required.

That's my experience.
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13 years ago
I played a chicken game in pw with alot of players (15 ppl). It sucks there arent more mexes and even with some singularities you are getting 20 metal/s at most.

When waves of 300+ lobbers come you got no chance to survive with such poor eco.

When i do exactly the same map solo i win it easily. So i suggest raising the metalmult a bit when there is more than 8 ppl. The map isnt designed to be played with 15 ppl. Or change the map to dsd or something so that it can support more ppl.
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13 years ago
Or just remove chickens from PW?
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13 years ago
Switch to another lobby room, its chickens, its not like it needs a balanced playercount.
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13 years ago
be happy about only 50% communism mode for mexes in the future :)

this will increase the crying !!
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13 years ago
And now without the big build range com, it had became much harder to reclaim eggs
Normal con die too easily
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13 years ago
Chickens must stay! In fact, it would be cool to have a random event called chicken infestation. That is chickens appear on some planets and start spreading like cancer over the galaxy. So conflicting clans have to cooperate to pwn them. Also they could be used as a strategic weapon - by letting them invade enemy planets.
For a player-controlled planet chicken infestation on a neighboring world means that the controlling clan would lose influence gradually, depending on how many chickens are on the neighbor planet.
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13 years ago
and chickens should be able to win XD
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13 years ago
Try to play vs chickens with a noob team.

or noobs waste turns.

It would be a problem, not a feature.
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13 years ago
Ion, it adds diversity to the game, which is always great thing. Even if it ruins the balance a bit. I mean people make stupid mods anyway, because balanced gameplay with all the same units all the time is plain boring. So imho chicken invasion would be great in PW. Just because it is something DIFFERENT. The only problem is that chicks do not work properly on watermaps. So care should be taken.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
nah watermaps is just diferent.

btw dodo's are anti sub dont ask me why but they are :)
+0 / -0
13 years ago
bomb bombers are too op, rocks kill Krow too fast ....
You can only win with early fleas, porc and bertha or nukes to kill burrows.

I remember War to Oblivion,,,

LLTs make 375 dps and cost 80 metal.
A 5k metal Bomber makes up to 2*50k /40 damage.

Anti-Naval bombers outrange any static AA and cost only about 1k metal - +-25%.
AND do great damage.

One single fighter of 50 other aircrafts can shot them at this range.

Vehicle scouts outrange most other tanks and do 180 dps - like fleas with the range of a defender.

And you have so many UP units and redundant ones compared to the low ammount of OP units.

If anyone want to take a try - pls filter the unit in this mod.
( CORE still needs more Starships, arm still needs more units to have as many as CORE )
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